
set autoindent
set ignorecase
set nolist
set magic
set mesg
"set number
set ruler
set showmatch
set showmode
set tildeop
set windowname
set leftright
set extended
set iclower
set searchincr
set verbose
set wrapscan
set wraplen=80
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set para=BlBdPpIt
set sections=SeAhBhChDh
set cedit=\^[
set filec=\	
map ZZ :wq!^M
map Y y$
map gg 1G
map G G
map R :ex^M
""File operations
"open with fzf
"map ␖ f :␒:!env FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='git ls-files' fzf >> %
"GIEdit ␛
" search and replace
map \s :%s/ *$//g
" indent lines
map gi :%!indent -i4
" reformat, wrap text at 80ch
map gf :%!fmt -w 80 %
"paragraph wrapping
map Q {j!}par P+. Q+__* g1 w80
" reformat paragraph
map gp :?^$?,//!fmt -w 80
" sort lines alphabetically
map gs :%!sort -u
" substitute patterns up to current position
map gr :^,.s///g
" remove leading tabs
map gl :%s/^[ \t]*//
" double space, whole file
map gd :%!sed G
" expand TABS out in buffer
map ge 'a!'bexpand
"comment lines in buffer
map gc :'a,'bs/^/#/
" uncomment lines in buffer
map gu :'a,'bs/# *//
" remove trailing spaces
map gt :%s/ *$//
map rc +:r!xclip -o -sel clip^M
" process file with hunspell
map gh :!hunspell -d es_AR %
""Manipulating Buffers
" display vi buffers
map K :display buffers
" cut current line to buffer '1'
map C  "1Y$dd
" paste '1' after current position
map V  "1PASTE
" mark current position as begin of new buffer
map # ma
" mark current position as end of new buffer
map * mb
" append new buffer to next line
map bv :'a,'b co .
" delete marked buffer
map be :'a,'b del .
" move marked buffer to 'n' line
map bm :'a,'b mo .
" convert marked buffer to UPPERCASE
map bc :'a,'bs/.*/\U&/
" convert marked buffer to LOWERCASE
map bl :'a,'bs/.*/\L&/
" trim white space from marked buffer
map bt :'a,'bs/[ ^I][ ^I]*$//g
" write marked buffer to file
map bw :'a;'bw
  • nexrc.txt
  • Última modificación: 2023/03/25 20:21
  • por peron