
Muchos de los acrónimos hacker refieren a expresiones utilizadas por la comunidad hacker. La mayoría refieren al slang inglés americano y británico.

Hacrónimo Acrónimo Traducción
10Q thank you Gracias
10X thanks “Gracias”
1337 elite (“leet”) Hacker super-habilidoso
31337 elite (“eleet”) ver arriba
224 today, tomorrow, forever “por siempre”
4TW for the win “para ganar”
A/S/L age/sex/location
AAMOF as a matter of fact “de hecho…”
ABD all but dissertation
AC audible chuckle “atragantamiento audible”
ADD attention deficit disorder Desorden de déficit de atención
ADHD attention deficit (and) hyperactivity disorder
ADN any day now “en cualquier momento”
ADOS attention deficit … oh, shiny!
AEAP as early as possible “tan temprano como sea posible”
AFAIAC as far as I am concerned “en lo que que me concierne”
AFAIC as far as I'm concerned Ver arriba
AFAICR as far as I can {recall,remember} “según creo…”
AFAICS as far as I can see “según veo”
AFAICT as far as I can tell “hasta donde puedo decir”
AFAIK as far as I know “hasta lo que conozco”
AFAIR as far as I {recall,remember} “hasta lo que recuerdo”
AFAIU as far as I understand “según yo entiendo”
AFD away from desktop “alejado del escritorio”
AFK away from keyboard “alejado del teclado”
AFW away from window “alejado de la ventana”
AGM annual general meeting “reunión anual general”
AINEC and it's not even close “y ni siquiera está cerca”
AISE as I see it
AIU as I understand “según yo lo entiendo”
AIUI as I understand it ver arriba
AKA also known as “alias”
AM ante meridiem
AMA ask me anything “preguntame todo”
AMOL a mountain of love “montaña de amor”
ASAIC as soon as I can “tan pronto como pueda”
ASAP as soon as possible “tan pronto como sea posible”
ASL age/sex/location “edad,sexo,dirección”
ATEOTD at the end of the day “cuando termine el día”
ATM at the moment “por el momento”
ATM {automated,automatic} teller machine “cajero automático”
ATW around the world “alrededor del mundo”
AWK Aho, Weinberger, [and] Kernighan programadores de awk
AWOL absent without official leave “ausente sin justificativo”
AYBABTU all your base are belong to us “toda tu base nos pertenece”
AYF all your fault “todo es tu culpa”
AYOR at your own risk “bajo tu propio riesgo”
AYT are you there “¿estás ahí?”
B& banned
B/C because
B/W bandwidth
B/W between
BAI goodbye
BAK back at keyboard
BBIAB be back in a bit
BBL [I'll] be back later
BBR burnt beyond repair
BBS be back soon
BBT be back tomorrow
BCNU be seeing you
BCNUL8R be seeing you later
BCP best current practice
BF best friend
BF boyfriend
BFF best {friend,friends} forever
BIAB back in a bit
BIAF back in a few
BIALW back in a little while
BIAS back in a second
BIAW back in a while
BIDI boy, I did it
BNYA burned now you are
BOC but of course
BOFH bastard operator from hell
BOT back on topic
BPM beam propagation method
BPM beats per minute
BRB [I'll] be right back
BSD booze, sex, drugs
BTDT been there, done that
BTFT been there, fixed that
BTTH boot to the head
BTW by the way
BYOB bring your own {beer,booze}
CC credit card
CEO chief executive officer
CFV call for votes
CFY calling for you
CG center of gravity
CHANOPS channel operator status
CMIIW correct me if I'm wrong
CNP continued [in my] next post
COB close of business [day]
COTS commercial off-the-shelf
CPC cost per click
CPE customer premises equipment
CRM customer relationship management
CTN can't talk now
CU see you
CUL see you later
CYA see ya
CYA see you around
CYE check your email
D/B/A doing business as
D/L download
DBA doing business as
DBEYR don't believe everything you read
DIAFYO did I ask for your opinion?
DIY do it yourself
DKDC don't know, don't care
DM direct message
DM dungeon master
DME durable medical equipment
DMEPOS durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies
DMZ demilitarized zone
DND do not disturb
DNF did not finish
DNFT do not feed troll
DOA dead on arrival
DRY don't repeat yourself
DSTM don't shoot the messenger
DTRT do the right thing
DTWT do the wrong thing
DWIM do what I mean
DYK do you know?
EA early adopter
ECR electronic cash register
EDS eternal downward spiral
EFT electronic funds transfer
EG evil grin
EIE enough is enough
EMSG email message
EOB end of business [day]
EOD end of {day,discussion}
EOL end of life
EOM end of message
EOS end of story
ETA edited to add
ETA estimated time of arrival
ETLA extended three letter acronym
ETR early to rise
EWAG experienced wild-ass guess
EZ easy
EZPZ easy-peasy
F9 fine
FAQ frequently asked question
FBOW for better or worse
FCFS first come, first served
FCOL for crying out loud
FFS free for shipping
FITB fill in the blank
FNO for nerds only
FNO from now on
FOC free of charge
FPS first person shooter
FPS frames per second
FSDO for some definition of
FSVO for some value of
FTBFS fails to build from source
FTFY fixed that for you
FTHOI for the {heck,hell} of it
FTL faster than light
FTL for the loss
FTR for the record
FTTT from time to time
FTW for the win
FUD fear, uncertainty, [and] doubt
FWIW for what it's worth
FYEO for your eyes only
FYI for your information
G grin
G/C garbage collect
G2G got to go
G2K good to know
GA go ahead
GAC get a clue
GAL get a life
GBTW get back to work
GF girlfriend
GFU good for you
GFY good for you
GG good game
GGA good game all
GGP good game partner
GGWP good game, well played
GIGO garbage in, garbage out
GIYF Google is your friend
GJ good job “buen trabajo”
GL good luck “buena suerte”
GLHF good luck, have fun “buena suerte, divertite”
GLINE global kill line “borrar todas las líneas”
GLWT good luck with that “suerte con eso”
GM game master “Maestro del Juengo” (de mazmorras)
GMT Greenwich mean time “tiempo de greenwich”
GMTA great minds think alike “grandes mentes piensan lo mismo”
GOK God only knows “dios sabe porqué”
GOP Grand Old Party “tirar la casa por la ventana”
GOWI get on with it “seguí con eso como está”
GPS global positioning system “sistema de posicionamiento global”
GR8 great “buenísimo”
GTG got to go “tengo que ir (al baño)”
GTH go to hell “andate al carajo”
GTSY {glad,good} to see you “contento en verte”
GWS get well soon “que se mejore pronto”
H8 hate “odio”
HAND have a nice day “tenga un buen día”
HE how embarrasing “¡que vergüenza!”
HF have fun “divertite”
HHIS hanging head in shame “avergonzado”
HHOS ha ha, only serious “jaja, sólo serio”
HICA here it comes again “otra vez de nuevo”
HME home medical equipment “equipamiento médico casero”
HNY happy new year “feliz año nuevo”
HOAS hold on a second “esperen un segundo”
HOPS half-operator status “status de semi-operador”
HTH hope this helps “espero ayude”
IAC in any case “en cualquier caso”
IAE in any event ver arriba
IANAL I am not a lawyer “no soy abogado”
IAW in another window “en otra ventana”
IAWTC I agree with this comment “estoy de acuerdo con el comentario”
IAWTP I agree with this post “estoy de acuerdo con el post”
IAY I adore you “te adoro”
IB I'm back “retorné”
IC I see “ya veo”
ICBW I could be {worse,wrong} “podría ser peor”
ICCL I couldn't care less “no me podría importar menos”
ICUR I see you are “veo que eres…”
ICYMI in case you missed it “por si te lo perdiste”
IDC I don't care “no me importa”
IDGI I don't get it “no lo entiendo”
IDGW in a good way “de buena onda”
IDI I doubt it “lo dudo”
IDIFTL I did it for the lulz “lo hice por la emoción”
IDK I don't know “no sé”
IDRC I don't really care “me importa un pomo”
IDTS I don't think so “no lo creo”
IDTT I drink to that “brindo por ello”
IFF if and only if “si y solo si”
IFTTT if this then that “si esto, entonces aquello”
IHBW I have been wrong “he estado equivocado”
IIANM if I am not mistaken “si no me equivoco”
IIRC if I {recall,remember} correctly “si entiendo/recuerdo correctamente”
IIUC if I understand correctly “si entiendo correctamente”
IKR I know, right? “ya lo sé, ¿sabés?”
IKWYM I know what you mean “ya sé lo que decís”
ILU I love you “te amo”
ILY I love you ver arriba
IMAO in my arrogant opinion “en mi arrogante opinión”
IMBO in my biased opinion “en mi desviada opinión”
IMCO in my considered opinion “en mi considerada opinión”
IME in my experience “por experiencia”
IMHO in my humble opinion “en mi humilde opinión”
IMNSHO in my not so humble opinion “es mi humilde opinión”
IMO in my opinion “en mi opinión”
INB4 in before “como … antes”
INPO in no particular order “sin orden particular”
IOW in other words “en otras palabras…”
IPML I pissed myself laughing “me meé de la risa”
IQ intelligence quotient
IRCOP Internet relay chat {operator,operators}
IRCOPS Internet relay chat operator status “status del operador del irc”
IRL in real life “en la vida real”
IRT in real time “en tiempo real”
IRT in regards to “en lo que refiere a…”
ISAGN I see a great need “tengo una enorme necesidad de…”
ISBN International Standard Book Number
ISTM it seems to me “a mi me parece”
ISTR I seem to {recall,remember} “creo recordar”
ITC in this {channel,chat} “en este chat”
ITT in this thread “en este hilo”
ITYM I think you mean “creo que querés decir”
IUD insert usual disclaimers “inserte disclaimers de todo tipo”
IUSS if you say so “si tú lo dices”
IW it's worse “es peór aún”
IWBNI it would be nice if “sería bueno que…”
IYD in your dreams “en tus sueños”
IYKWIM if you know what I mean “si sabés lo que digo…”
IYSS if you say so “si vos lo decís…”
IYSWIM if you see what I mean “¡entendés lo que digo?”
J/K just kidding “es una broma”
JAM just a minute “un minuto”
JAS just a second “un segundo”
JFK John Fitzgerald Kennedy presidente/aeropuerto yanqui
JFTR just for the record “sólo para que quede registro”
JFYI just for your information “sólo para que lo sepas”
JGI just Google it “sólo gugleálo”
JGI just got it “recién me avivo”
JHD just hit delete “solo apretá Suprimir”
JIC just in case “por las dudas”
JJA just joking around “sólo pelotudeaba”
JK just kidding “sólo bromeaba”
JMO just my opinion “sólo mi opinión”
JSYK just so you know “sólo para que lo sepas”
JTLYK just to let you know “sólo dejame decirte”
JW just wondering “sólo me preguntaba”
KISS keep it simple, stupid “dejalo simple, estupido”
KITA kick in the ass “patada en el orto”
KK okay, okay “ok, ok”
KLINE kill line “borrar línea”
KMA keep me advised “mantemente avisado”
KMA keep moving ahead “seguí avanzando”
KMA kill me already “ya matame”
KNF kernel normal form “froma normal de kernel”
KOS kill on sight “matar al verlo”
KTHX okay, thanks “ok, gracias”
KTHXBAI okay, thanks. Goodbye. “ok, gracias, chau”
KWIM know what I mean? “¿te das cuenta lo que digo?”
L8 late “tarde”
L8R later “luego”
LART luser attitude readjustment tool “herramienta de reajuste de actidud de luser”
LBNL last but not least “lo siguiente pero no último”
LGTM looks good to me “me parece bien”
LJBF let's just be friends “seamos amigos”
LMAO laughing my ass off “me cago de risa”
LMC let me check “dejame ver”
LMGTFY let me google that for you “te lo gugleo”
LMHO laughing my head off “se me salió la cabeza de reirme”
LMK let me know “hazme saber”
LMNO laughing my nuts off “se me rien las bolas”
LMSO laughing my socks off “se me ríen las medias”
LOIC low orbit ion cannon
LOL laughing out loud “risotada”
LP long playing [record]
LTNS long time no see “largo tiempo sin verte”
LWYL laugh with you later
M8 mate “amigo”
MAD mutually assured destruction
MBA master of business administration “”
MFW my face when “mira cara cuando…”
MIA missing in action “desaparecido en acción”
MMB message me back “mandame un mensaje”
MO modus operandi
MOTAS member of the appropriate sex
MOTOS member of the opposite sex
MOTSS member of the same sex
MTF more to follow
MVP minimum viable product
MVP most valuable player
MYOB mind your own business
N/A not {applicable,available}
N/M never mind
NAFAIK not as far as I know
NB nota bene
NBD no big deal
NE1 anyone
NEDM not even Doom music
NFA no flaming allowed
NFC no functional change
NIFOC naked in front of computer
NIH not invented here
NIMBY not in my backyard
NM never mind
NMF not my fault
NMP not my problem
NMU not much, you?
NOM no offence meant
NOOB newbie
NORP normal ordinary {respectable,responsible} person
NOYB none of your business
NP no problem
NPC non-player character
NRFPT not ready for prime time
NRN no reply necessary
NRN not right now
NSFW not suitable for work
NTN no thanks needed
NUNP no users, no problems
NVM never mind
NW no way
NYPA not your personal army
O2W off to work
OAO over and out
OBV obviously
OBVS obviously
ODTW others do the work (cf. “otdw source”)
OFC of course
OH other half
OIC oh, I see
OMG oh my God
OMW on my way
ONNA oh no, not again
ONNTA oh no, not this again
OOB out of bounds
OOC out of curiosity
OOI out of interest
OOSOOM out of sight, out of mind
OPS operator status
OPS operators
ORITE oh, right
OT off topic
OTL out to lunch
OTOH on the other hand
OTP one true pairing
OTS off the shelf
OTT over the top
OTTOMH off the top of my head
OWTTE or words to that effect
PC player character
PC politically correct
PCB polychlorinated biphenyl(s)
PD police department
PDA public display of affection
PDQ pretty darn quick
PDS please don't shout
PEBCAK problem exists between chair and keyboard
PEBKAC problem exists between keyboard and chair
PFI pay for inclusion
PFY pimply faced youth
PHB pointy haired boss
PIN personal identification number
PITA pain in the ass
PITR {parent,parents} in the room
PKSP pound keys and spew profanity
PM post meridiem
PMFI problem magically fixed itself
PMFJI pardon me for jumping in
PMSL pissing myself laughing
PNG persona non grata
PNP plug and pray
POC point of contact
POC proof of concept
POLA principle of least astonishment
POLS principle of least surprise
POS point of sale
POV point of view
PPL people
PPL pretty please
PPP petty pet peeve
PPS pulse per second (signal)
PR public relations
PSA prostate-specific antigen
PSA public service announcement
PTA parent-teacher association
PTO {paid,personal} time off
PTO parent-teacher organization
PTO please turn over
PTO power takeoff
PTV parental tunnel vision
QED quod erat demonstrandum
QFT quoted for truth
RA residential advisor
RFC request for comments
RFD request for discussion
RFE request for enhancements
RIP rest in peace
RL real life
RLC rod length check
RMS Richard Matthew Stallman
ROFL rolling on floor laughing
ROFLMAO rolling on floor laughing my ass off
ROI return on investment
ROTFL rolling on the floor laughing
RP responsible person
RR railroad
RSI repetitive strain injury
RSN real soon now
RSVP respondez s'il vous plait (“reply please”)
S/T self titled
SAR search and rescue
SAR some assembly required
SCNR sorry, could not resist
SEP someone else's problem
SERP search engine results page
SFAICT so far as I can tell
SHID slaps head in disgust
SIMCA sitting in my chair amused
SITD still in the dark
SMAP Soil Moisture Active Passive
SMH shaking my head
SMLSFB so many losers, so few bullets
SMOP simple matter of programming
SNERT snot-nosed egotistical rude teenager
SNMP sorry, not my problem
SO significant other
SOB son of [a] bitch
SOP standard operating procedure
SRS serious
SRSLY seriously
SSIA subject says it all
SSTO single stage to orbit
STW search the web
SUS stupid user syndrome
SUX sucks
SUX2BU sucks to be you
SWAG silly, wild-assed guess
SWAHBI silly, wild-assed hare-brained idea
SWMBO she who must be obeyed
SYS see you soon
TA teaching assistant
TANSTAAFL there ain't no such thing as a free lunch
TBA to be announced
TBC to be continued
TBD to be {decided,determined,done}
TBH to be honest
TBOMK the best of my knowledge
TCB taking care of business
TCO taken care of
TCO total cost of ownership
TFOA things falling off aircraft
TFW that feeling when
TGIF thank goodness it's Friday
THNX thanks
THX thanks
TIA thanks in advance
TIAVP this is a volunteer project
TIC tonque in cheek
TIL today I learned
TINC there is no cabal
TINLA this is not legal advice
TINWIS this is not what I said
TJM that's just me
TLA three letter acronym
TLA true love always
TLC tender loving care
TLDR too long, didn't read
TM trademark
TM trust me
TMA too many abbreviations
TMG too much government
TMI too much information
TMJ temporomandibular joint
TMK to my knowledge
TMTOWTDI there's more than one way to do it
TNF The NetBSD Foundation
TOC table of contents
TOCTOU time of check to time of use
TOEFL test of english as a foreign language
TOH to other half
TP toilet paper
TPTB the powers that be
TRT the right thing
TTFN ta ta for now
TTM to the moderator
TTT thought that too
TTYL talk to you later
TTYS talk to you soon
TWAIN thing without an interesting name
TWDT the whole damn thing
TWIAVBP the world is a very big place
TY thank you
TYVM thank you very much
U/L upload
UGT universal greeting time
UR your
UR {you're, you are}
UTSL use the source, Luke
VCR video cassette recorder
VEG very evil grin
VIP very important person
W/ with
W/E whatever
W/O without
W8 wait
WAFWOT what a foolish waste of time
WAG wild-ass guess
WB welcome back
WCPGW what could possibly go wrong
WDYMBT what do you mean by that
WELC working effectively with legacy code
WFH working from home
WFM works for me
WIBNI wouldn't it be nice if
WIP work in progress
WMNC watch me not care
WOMBAT waste of money, brain, and time
WRT with respect to
WTB {waiting,want,willing} to buy
WTF where's the food
WTG way to go
WTH {what,when,where,who,why} the hell
WTS {waiting,want,willing} to sell
WTT {waiting,want,willing} to trade
WWJD what would Jesus do?
YAGNI you ain't gonna need it
YALIMO you are lame, in my opinion
YAOTM yet another off-topic message
YCTAT you can't troll a troll
YGM you got mail
YHBT you have been trolled
YHL you have lost
YKWIM you know what I mean
YMMV your mileage may vary
YOLO you only live once
YW you're welcome
YWSYLS you win some, you lose some
ZIP zoning improvement plan