
; askconfirmation: pide confirmación al usar llave privada
;    See http://people.mpi-klsb.mpg.de/~pcernko/pageant.html for information
;    - yes : siempre
;    - no  : nunca
;    - auto: solo si el comentario de la llave privada contiene la cadena 'needs confirm'

; messageonkeyusage: permite la notificación en uso de llave privada;messageonkeyusage=no

; dblclick: define the default action when double click on a session in session list
;    Allowed values are:
;    - open: press open button
;    - start: press start button

; default: if yes all the sessions belong to their own folder and the default folder too

; defaultsettings: enable/disable the automatic creation of the 'Default Settings' session

; filter: enable/disable filter in saved sessions selection box

; height: the number of visible lines into the saved sessions selection box (in main window)

; left: X position of the confuguration box (-1 means center)

; proxyselection: add a proxy selection feature in the main configuration box

; noexit: if set to yes, return to the configuration box at main program exit

; top: Y position of the confuguration box (-1 means center)

; windowheight: the size of the configuration box

; adb: enable/disable adb support

; antiidle: character string regularly sent to maintain the connection alive
;antiidle== \k08\

; antiidledelay: time delay between two sending

; autoreconnect: enable/disable the automatic reconnection feature

; autostoresshkey: enable/disable the automatic ssh key store feature (no confirmation window)

; backgroundimage: enable/disable the background image feature

; bcdelay: time delay between each character in automatic features (autocommand, login script, user function ...)

; capslock: force upper case

; commanddelay: delay in milliseconds between two lines of the automatic start command script (Connection/Data/Command setting)

; conf: enable/disable the automatic creation of the default configuration file

; configdir: set the configuration directory
;    In portable mode it is the place where to find settings files directories: Sessions, SshHostKeys, ...
;    Usually it is the same directory where kitty.exe is

; cryptsalt: set salt mode for password encryption 

; CtHelperPath: the full path to the cthelper.exe binary (Wrapper for Cygwin feature)

; ctrltab: switch between PuTTY windows with CTRL+Tab

; cygterm: enable/disable the cygterm feature

; debug: for debug purpose only

; downloaddir: this is the local directory where files are downloaded with the pscp integration

; fileextension: the extension for session settings files in portable mode

; hostkeyextension: the extension for server host key files

; hyperlink: enable/disable the hyperlink feature

; icon: enable/disable the icon management feature (a particular icon for specific session)

; iconfile: point to a file where internal icons are located

; initdelay: initial delay in seconds before automatic sending of password, or auto command

; KiClassName: change the internal software name to be the same as PuTTY

; localcmd: manage local commands (starting with __)

; localunsecurecmd: manage local unsecure commands ( ___pl, __ds, __cm, __ie )

; maxblinkingtime: maximum blinks (in system tray) where receiving bell signal

; mouseshortcuts: enable/disable mouse shortcuts

; numberoficons: total number of internal icons

; paste: enable/disable one line at a time feature in paste action (useful on slow servers only)

; pastesize: paste size limit (number of characters). Above the limit a confirmation is requested. (0 means unlimited)

; PlinkPath: the full path to the plink.exe (or klink.exe) binary

; PSCPPath: the full path to the pscp.exe (or kscp.exe) binary

; ReconnectDelay: the delay before trying to reconnect automatically (in seconds)

; sav: path to the save file of the KiTTY registry. In most cases it is located here %APPDATA%/KiTTY/kitty.sav

; savemode: specify the save mode for sessions settings
;    Allowed values are:
;    - registry : to save sessions into windows registry
;    - file : to save sessions into one unique file (currently not maintained)
;    - dir : to save sessions into files in the directory structure

; scriptfilefilter: specify the local script files extension
;    Default value is (*.ksh,*.sh)|*.ksh;*.sh|SQL files (*.sql)|*.sql|All files (*.*)|*.*|
;scriptfilefilter=All files (*.*)|*.*|

; scriptmode: enable/disable RuTTY scripting mode

; shortcuts: enable/disable keyboard shortcuts

; size: enable/disable window size in the window title

; slidedelay: delay in seconds before automatic image switching in slideshow mode
;    0 means no automatic slide, waiting for keyboard event

; sshversion: Force the SSH version title. 
;    Default value: PuTTY-KiTTY
;    KiTTY claims it is PuTTY-KiTTY. But sometimes there are servers that do not allow non standard values.
;    So it is possible to redefine it

; transparency: enable/disable the transparency feature

; userpasssshnosave: if yes, SSH password will not be saved internally (and can't be reused automatically) 

; winrol: enable/disable the rolling feature (rolling into the title bar)

; WinSCPPath: the full path to the winscp.exe binary: 

; wintitle: enable/disable the enhanced title feature (for protected mode and window size)

; zmodem: enable/disable zmodem feature (to send/receive files with sz/rz commands)

; Shortcuts: definition for the menu shortcuts keys

; (re)send automatic command (default is SHIFT+F12)

; Change settings ...

; Clear scrollback

; Clear log file

; Close and restart current session

; run a local command (default is CONTROL+F5)

; Copy all window buffers to clipboard

; Open a duplicate window (with same session settings)

; open text editor connected to the main window (default is SHIFT+F2)

; open text editor with clipboard content, connected to the main window (default is CONTROL+SHIFT+F2)

; Show event log

; Switch font to black on white colors

; Decrease font size

; Switch font to negative colors

; Increase font size

; Switch to full screen

; receive a remote file with pscp.exe: the full path must be selected in clipboard (default is CONTROL+F4)

; change the background image (default is CONTROL+F11)

; special command box (default is CONTROL+F8)

; special command with multi-line editor (default is SHIFT+F8)

; Repeat key exchange

; New session ...

; Start a new configuration box with current settings but without hostname

; Print current clipboard content (default if SHIFT+F7)

; Print all window buffer content (default is F7)

; Protect the window, disable keyboard and mouse input (default is CONTROL+F9)

; Reset terminal

; Roll-up the window into the title bar (default is CONTROL+F12)

; Load a local script and run it remotely (default is CONTROL+F2)

; Send a local file with pscp.exe (default is CONTROL+F3)

; Show current port forwarding definition (default is SHIFT+F6)

; Enable or disable logging (default is SHIFT+F5)

; Send the window to the system tray (default is CONTROL+F6)

; Switch to embedded image viewer (default SHIFT+F11)

; Switch to always visible (default is CONTROL+F7)

; Start WinSCP (default is SHIFT+F3)

; height: characters size (Printing)

; maxline: maximum number of lines per page

; maxchar: maximum number of characters per line

; reload: enable session list reload on each menu respawn