#define VERSION "V2.10b" /* %V */
 static const char *RCS_Version = "$Revision: 1.4 $"; /* only relevant to my home linux /usr/local/src/ecce */
#define DATE "$Date: 2021/11/30 03:55:52 $"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
#ifdef WANT_UTF8
/* EXPERIMENTAL SUPPORT FOR UTF-8 - been tested for a few years now, seems robust enough to make default. */
#include <wchar.h>
#include <locale.h>
typedef wint_t ecce_int;
typedef wchar_t ecce_char;
typedef int ecce_int;
typedef char ecce_char;
#define fputwc(x,f) fputc(x,f)
#define fgetwc(f) fgetc(f)
#define WEOF EOF
/*                                                */
/*                                                */
/*                     E C C E                    */
/*                                                */
/*                                                */
/*     ECCE fue diseñado por Hamish Dewar, ahora  */
/* retirado.  Esta implementación es de Graham    */
/* Toal, del Proyecto de Historia del Cómputo     */
/* de Edimburgo.                                  */
/*                                                */
/* Este código fuente fue lanzado al dominio      */
/* público por su autor, sin restricciones        */
/*                                                */
/* (c) Graham Toal, 1984. (Original BCPL version, */
/*   translated into C in 1992).                  */
#define NOTE_FILE "/tmp/Note0" /* Specific to Linux - unfortunately, /tmp is shared by other users */
             /* so this version of Ecce is really only expected to be used on a single-user system */
/* #define NOTE_FILE "/dev/shm/Note0" // Specific to the variation of Linux I'm using (ram disk)  *SYS*/
 /* I'm aware that this area of the code needs work to be made robust.  It looks like I can't
   have robustness without some OS-specific code.
   This code is already less portable than was first intended.
   Look for lines containing the marker *SYS* to see if the
   small deviations from portability affect your system.
   Note that the libraries with most windows C compilers try to handle
   some unix constructs such as / as a filename separator, so even some
   of the code marked *SYS* is likely to work on Windows.
              /* Name of temp file for multiple contexts - system dependant. */
              /* Something like "/tmp/Note%c" would be a small improvement,  */
              /* but using a proper function like tmpnam() would be best.    */
              /* Unfortunately tmpnam is deprecated due to timing issues     */
	      /* with setting up file permissions - but it is the only call  */
              /* in this area that is portable to Win/DOS, and I'm trying    */
              /* to keep this source OS-independent. (without ifdef's)       */
              /* This is the remaining code issue I'ld like to fix before    */
              /* moving this to sourceforge.                                 */
#define CONTEXT_OFFSET (strlen(NOTE_FILE)-1)
              /* Index of variable part in name above (i.e. of '0')         */
static char *ProgName = NULL;
static char *parameter[4] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; /* parameters - from, to, log, command */
static char *commandp = NULL;
#define    F       0  /* FROM */
#define    T       1  /* TO */
#define    L       2  /* LOG */
#define    C       3  /* COMMAND */
unsigned long estimate_buffer_size(char *fname)
  FILE *tmp = fopen(fname, "rw");
  unsigned long maxbuf = 0UL;
  long rc;
  /* since we allocate RAM for the whole file, don't bother handling
     files longer than 32 bits.  It's just a text editor after all... */
  if (tmp == NULL) return 2UL*1024UL*1024UL;
  (void)fseek(tmp, 0L, SEEK_END);
  rc = ftell(tmp);
  if ((rc < 0) || ferror(tmp)) maxbuf = 0UL; else maxbuf = (unsigned long)rc;
  return (maxbuf + 1024UL*256UL) * 3UL;
#define FALSE (0!=0)
#define TRUE (0==0)
/* Types */
typedef int bool;
typedef ecce_char *cindex;
/* Consts */
#define    bs              8
#define    bell            7
#define    nul             0
#define    del             127
/* The casebit logic only works on 8-bit characters.  Will need to
   rewrite case handling if/when we move to UTF 32-bit encoding */
#define    casebit         ('a'-'A')
#define    minusbit        casebit
#define    plusbit         0x80
/* I know it is bad practise to have these fixed length arrays and I will
   work on that eventually.  I increased the size of these considerably
   when I modified Ecce to accept a command string as a parameter, because
   scripts were starting to need quite long command strings that were
   exceeding the inital bounds of 127 chars.  Again, we're assuming a
   non-hostile single-user environment. */
#define    Max_command_units 4095
#define    Max_parameter     4095
#define    Max_prompt_length 4095
#define    rep             1
#define    txt             2
#define    scope           4
#define    sign            8
#define    delim           16
#define    numb            32
#define    ext             64
#define    err             128
#define    dig             0
#define    pc              1
#define    lpar            2
#define    comma           3
#define    rpar            4
#define    plus            5
#define    minus           6
#define    pling           7
#define    star            8
#define    termin          15
void init_globals (void); 
void free_buffers (void); 
void local_echo (ecce_int *sym);        /* Later, make this a char fn. */
void read_sym (void); 
bool fail_with (char *mess, ecce_int culprit); 
void percent (ecce_int Command_sym); 
void unchain(void); 
void stack(void); 
void execute_command(void); 
void Scan_sign(void);                        /* Could be a macro */
void Scan_scope(void);                       /* ditto macro */
void Scan_text(void); 
void Scan_repeat (void); 
bool analyse (void); 
void load_file (void); 
bool execute_unit (void); 
void execute_all (void); 
ecce_int case_op (ecce_int sym);                /* should be made a macro */
bool right (void); 
bool left (void); 
void right_star(void);                       /* Another macro */
void left_star(void);                        /* Likewise... */
void move (void); 
void move_back(void); 
void move_star (void); 
void move_back_star (void); 
void insert (void); 
void insert_back (void); 
bool verify(void); 
bool verify_back (void); 
bool find (void); 
bool find_back (void);
/* Global variables */
static unsigned long buffer_size = 0UL;
static char *note_file;
static bool  ok;
static bool  printed;
static long  stopper;
static int   max_unit;
static ecce_int pending_sym;
/* significance of file pointers using the 'buffer gap' method: */
/* [NL] o n e NL t w . . . o NL n e x t NL . . NL l a s t NL [NL] */
/*      !        !   !     !  !                                !  */
/*      f        l   p     f  l                                f  */
/*      b        b   p     p  e                                e  */
/*      e        e            n                                n  */
/*      g        g            d                                d  */
/* Note that when the buffer is 100% full, pp and fp are equal,
   and any insertion operations will fail.  This is valid as
   pp is exclusive and fp is inclusive. */
/* When editing a secondary input buffer, these pointers are saved
   and re-created within the buffer gap */
/* Hamish's implementations forced the top part of the buffer out
   to file when the buffer was full (cf 'makespace()'); this isn't
   really an option in today's environment.  Alternative choices
   1) crash.  (what we did, prior to 2.7)
   2) fail to insert (what we do now)
   3) expand the buffer (realloc, or malloc+free)
      - I don't like this because at some point you do run out
        of RAM or VM, and have to fail anyway.  Since the most
        likely reason this is happening is a bad user command
        (eg (b0)0 ) rather than a file that is genuinely too large,
        I'd prefer to fail on the first instance of it going wrong.
   4) use memory-mapped files (unix has them now too, very similar
        to what we had on EMAS) - but the argument against is just
        a delayed version of (3) above.
   Note that the failure mode of this code is *not* atomic.
   A complete 'get line' or 'insert string' operation would fail
   in Hamish's implementation.  Here it fails on the individual
   character level.  I chose this model primarily to lower the
   cost of the buffer-full test.
static cindex fbeg;
static cindex lbeg;
static cindex pp;
static cindex fp;
static cindex lend;
static cindex fend;
static int   type;
static ecce_int command;
static long  repeat_count;
static long  limit;
static int   pointer;
static int   last_unit;
static int   this_unit;
static int   pos;
static int   endpos;
static ecce_int sym;        /************* sym has to be an int as
                                        it is tested against EOF ************/
static long  number;
static cindex pp_before;
static cindex fp_before;
static cindex ms;
static cindex ms_back;
static cindex ml;
static cindex ml_back;
static int   to_upper_case;
static int   to_lower_case;
static int   caseflip;
static bool  blank_line;
static char *eprompt;
static cindex noted;
static int   changes;
static bool  in_second;
static char *com_prompt;
static int symtype[256] = {
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   ext+termin,          /*NL*/
   err,                 /* */
   ext+numb+7,          /*!*/
   delim,               /*"*/
   err,                 /*#*/
   err,                 /*$*/
   ext+1,               /*%*/
   err,                 /*&*/
   delim,               /*'*/
   ext+2,               /*(*/
   ext+4,               /*)*/
   ext+numb+8,          /***/
   ext+5,               /*+*/
   ext+3,               /*,*/
   ext+6,               /*-*/
   delim,               /*.*/
   delim,               /*slash*/
   ext+numb+0,          /*0*/
   ext+numb+0,          /*1*/
   ext+numb+0,          /*2*/
   ext+numb+0,          /*3*/
   ext+numb+0,          /*4*/
   ext+numb+0,          /*5*/
   ext+numb+0,          /*6*/
   ext+numb+0,          /*7*/
   ext+numb+0,          /*8*/
   ext+numb+0,          /*9*/
   delim,               /*:*/
   ext+15,              /*;*/
   ext+2,               /*<*/
   delim,               /*=*/
   ext+4,               /*>*/
   0,                   /*?*/
   err,                 /*@*/
   scope,               /*A*/
   sign+rep,            /*B*/
   sign+rep,            /*C*/
   sign+scope+txt+rep,  /*D*/
   sign+rep,            /*E*/
   sign+scope+txt+rep,  /*F*/
   sign+rep,            /*G*/
   scope,               /*H*/
   sign+txt+rep,        /*I*/
   sign+rep,            /*J*/
   sign+rep,            /*K*/
   sign+rep,            /*L*/
   sign+rep,            /*M*/
   0,                   /*N*/
   err,                 /*O*/
   sign+rep,            /*P*/
   err,                 /*Q*/
   sign+rep,            /*R*/
   sign+txt,            /*S*/
   sign+scope+txt+rep,  /*T*/
   sign+scope+txt+rep,  /*U*/
   sign+txt,            /*V*/
   err,                 /*W*/
   err,                 /*X*/
   err,                 /*Y*/
   err,                 /*Z*/
   ext+2,               /*[*/
   0,                   /*\*/
   ext+4,               /*]*/
   ext+6,               /*^*/
   delim,               /*_*/
   err,                 /*@*/
   err,                 /*A*/
   sign+rep,            /*B*/
   sign+rep,            /*C*/
   sign+scope+txt+rep,  /*D*/
   sign+rep,            /*E*/
   sign+scope+txt+rep,  /*F*/
   sign+rep,            /*G*/
   err,                 /*H*/
   sign+txt+rep,        /*I*/
   sign+rep,            /*J*/
   sign+rep,            /*K*/
   sign+rep,            /*L*/
   sign+rep,            /*M*/
   err,                 /*N*/
   err,                 /*O*/
   sign+rep,            /*P*/
   err,                 /*Q*/
   sign+rep,            /*R*/
   sign+txt,            /*S*/
   sign+scope+txt+rep,  /*T*/
   sign+scope+txt+rep,  /*U*/
   sign+txt,            /*V*/
   err,                 /*W*/
   err,                 /*X*/
   err,                 /*Y*/
   err,                 /*Z*/
   ext+2,               /*[*/
   0,                   /*\*/
   ext+4,               /*]*/
   ext+6,               /*^*/
   delim                /*_*/
/* May change some of these to delim at users discretion */
 , err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, 
   err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, 
   err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, 
   err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, 
   err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, 
   err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, 
   err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, 
   err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, 
   err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, 
   err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, 
   err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, 
   err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, 
   err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, 
   err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, 
   err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, 
   err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err
static int sym_type(ecce_char c) {
  if ((0 <= c) && (c <= 255)) return symtype[(unsigned int)c];
  return err;
static cindex a;
static FILE *main_in;
static FILE *main_out;
static FILE *tty_in;
static FILE *tty_out;
static FILE *log_out;
static ecce_int *com;
static int  *link;
static ecce_char *text;
static long *num;
static long *lim;
static int IntSeen = FALSE; /* set asynchronously by signal routine on ^C */
void gotint(int n) {
  (void)n; /* Supress the annoying 'not used' warning message... */
  IntSeen = TRUE;
int h(char c) {
  if (('0' <= c) && (c <= '9')) return c - '0';
  if (('A' <= c) && (c <= 'F')) return c - 'A' + 10;
  if (('a' <= c) && (c <= 'f')) return c - 'a' + 10;
  fprintf(stderr, "%s: hex-command parámetro corrupto - char '%c' no es hex\n", ProgName, c);
char *hex_to_ascii(char *hex) {
  static char commandline[Max_parameter], *f, *t;
  if (strlen(hex)/2+3 >= Max_parameter) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: hex-command parámetro muy largo.\n", ProgName);
  f = hex; t = commandline;
  for (;;) {
    int c1,c2;
    if (*f == '\0') break;
    c1 = h(*f++);
    if (*f == '\0') {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: hex-command parámetro corrupto. (nro. impar de caracteres)\n", ProgName);
    c2 = h(*f++);
    *t++ = c1<<4 | c2;
  *t = '\0';
  return commandline;
char *backup_save;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  static char backup_save_buf[256+L_tmpnam+1];
                               /* L_tmpnam on Win/DOS (LCC32) doesn't include path */
  int argno = 1, inoutlog = 0;
  char *s;
#ifdef WANT_UTF8
  /* If your native locale doesn't use UTF-8 encoding 
   * you need to replace the empty string with a
   * locale like "en_US.utf8"
  char *locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
  backup_save = tmpnam(backup_save_buf);  /*SYS*/
  /* Historical code, not really needed nowadays as
     people only use Windows and Unix variants :-( */
  ProgName = argv[0];
  s = strrchr(ProgName, '/');
  if (s == NULL) s = strrchr(ProgName, '\\');
  if (s == NULL) s = strrchr(ProgName, ':');
  if (s == NULL) s = strrchr(ProgName, ']');
  if (s == NULL) s = ProgName; else s = s+1;
  ProgName = malloc(strlen(s)+1); strcpy(ProgName, s);
  s = strchr(ProgName, '.'); if (s != NULL) *s = '\0';
  /* decode argv into parameter[0..3] and buffer_size */
  for (;;) {
    if (argno == argc) break;
    if ((argv[argno][0] == '-') && (argv[argno][1] != '\0')) {
      int offset = 1;
      if (argv[argno][1] == '-') offset += 1;
      if (strcmp(argv[argno]+offset, "desde") == 0) {
        parameter[F] = argv[argno+1];
      } else if (strcmp(argv[argno]+offset, "a") == 0) {
        parameter[T] = argv[argno+1];
      } else if (strcmp(argv[argno]+offset, "log") == 0) {
        parameter[L] = argv[argno+1];
      } else if (strcmp(argv[argno]+offset, "hex-command") == 0) {
        if (parameter[C] != NULL) {
          fprintf(stderr, "%s: solo un -hex-command \"...\" o -comando \"...\" se permite\n", ProgName);
        parameter[C] = hex_to_ascii(argv[argno+1]); commandp = parameter[C];
      } else if (strcmp(argv[argno]+offset, "command") == 0) {
        if (parameter[C] != NULL) {
          fprintf(stderr, "%s: only one -command \"...\" or -hex-command \"...\" is allowed\n", ProgName);
        parameter[C] = argv[argno+1]; commandp = parameter[C];
      } else if (strcmp(argv[argno]+offset, "size") == 0) {
        char *buf_size_str, *endptr;
        buf_size_str = argv[argno+1];
        errno = 0;
        buffer_size = strtoul(buf_size_str, &endptr, 10);
        if (errno != 0) {
          fprintf(stderr, "%s: parámetro de tamaño incorrecto '%s'\n", ProgName, buf_size_str);
        if ((*endptr != '\0') && (endptr[1] == '\0')) {
          /* memo: removed strcasecmp for portability. Also avoiding toupper etc for locale simplification */
          if (*endptr == 'k' || *endptr == 'K') {
            buffer_size *= 1024UL;
	      } else if (*endptr == 'm' || *endptr == 'M') {
            buffer_size *= (1024UL*1024UL);
	  } else {
                    "%s: tipo incorrecto de unidad '%s' (se espera %luK o %luM)\n",
                    ProgName, endptr, buffer_size, buffer_size);
      } else {
        fprintf (stderr,
                 "%s: Opción desconocida '%s'\n",
		 ProgName, argv[argno]);
      if (argv[argno+1] == NULL) argno += 1; else argno += 2;
    } else {
      /* positional parameters */
      parameter[inoutlog++] = argv[argno++];
  if (buffer_size == 0UL) buffer_size = estimate_buffer_size(parameter[F]);
   parameter[F] = argv[1];
   if (parameter[F] == NULL) {
      fprintf (stderr,
         "%s: {-desde} fichero_entrada {{-to} fichero_salida}? {-log fichero}? {-{hex-}comando 'comandos;%%c'} {-tamaño_ bytes}?\n",
      exit (30);
   IntSeen = FALSE;
   tty_in = stdin;
   tty_out = stderr;
   if ((strcmp(parameter[F], "-") == 0) || (strcmp(parameter[F], "/dev/stdin") == 0)) {  /*SYS*/
      /* If the input file is stdin, you cannot read commands from stdin as well. */
      if (commandp == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"-comando '...'\" opción requerida cuando el fichero de entrada es la entrada estándar\n", ProgName); exit(1);
      main_in = stdin;
      /* What follows is a dirty hack to allow ecce to be used interactively as part of a pipe */
      /* I'm not at all sure this should even be supported */
      tty_in = fopen("/dev/tty", "rb"); /*SYS*/
      if (tty_in) {
	fprintf(stderr, "%s: usando /dev/tty para entrada de comando\n", ProgName);
      } else {
            tty_in = fopen("CON:", "r");
            if (tty_in) { 
	       fprintf(stderr, "%s: usando CON: para entrada de comando\n", ProgName);
	    } else {
               tty_in = fopen("/dev/null", "rb");
               if (tty_in == NULL) tty_in = fopen("NUL:", "rb");
	       fprintf(stderr, "%s: cuidado - no hay cadena de entrado de comando\n", ProgName);
               if (tty_in == NULL) tty_in = stdin; /* It'll be EOF by the time it is used */
   } else {
      main_in = fopen (parameter[F], "rb");
   if (main_in == NULL) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Fichero \"%s\" no encontrado\n", parameter[F]);
      exit (30);
   if (parameter[L] == NULL) {
      log_out = NULL;
   } else {
      log_out = fopen (parameter[L], "wb");
      if (log_out == NULL) {
         fprintf (stderr, "%s: Cuidado - No puedo crear \"%s\"\n",
          ProgName, parameter[L]);
   init_globals ();
   a[0]           = '\n';
   a[buffer_size] = '\n';
   fprintf (tty_out, "Ecce\n");
   if (main_in != NULL) load_file ();
   signal(SIGINT, &gotint);
   percent ('E'); /* Select either-case searches, case-flipping C command. */
   for (;;) {
      if (analyse ()) {
         printed = FALSE;
         execute_all ();
         command = 'P';
         repeat_count = 1L;
         if (!printed) execute_command ();
      if (IntSeen) {
        signal(SIGINT, &gotint);
        IntSeen = FALSE;
        fprintf(stderr, "* Escape!\n");
void init_globals (void) {
   a = malloc ((buffer_size+1) * sizeof(ecce_char));
   note_file = malloc (Max_parameter+1);
   com  = (ecce_int *) malloc ((Max_command_units+1)*sizeof(ecce_int));
   link = (int *) malloc ((Max_command_units+1)*sizeof(int));
   text = (ecce_char *) malloc ((Max_command_units+1) * sizeof(ecce_char));
   num = (long *) malloc ((Max_command_units+1)*sizeof(long));
   lim = (long *) malloc ((Max_command_units+1)*sizeof(long));
   com_prompt = malloc (Max_prompt_length+1);
   if (a == NULL || note_file == NULL || com == NULL ||
    link == NULL || text == NULL || num == NULL || lim == NULL ||
    com_prompt == NULL) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Incapaz de referir espacio de almacenamiento\n");
      exit (40);
   fprintf (stderr, "Espacio de Almacén = %d KBytes\n", (int)(buffer_size>>10));
   fbeg = a+1;
   lbeg = fbeg;
   pp = lbeg;
   fp = a+buffer_size;
   lend = fp;
   fend = lend;
   ms = NULL;
   ms_back = NULL;
   stopper = 0 - buffer_size;
   max_unit = -1;
   pending_sym = '\n';
   blank_line = TRUE;
   (void)strcpy (note_file, NOTE_FILE);
   noted = NULL;
   changes = 0;
   in_second = FALSE;
   (void)strcpy (com_prompt, ">");
void free_buffers (void) { /* only needed if checking that we have no heap lossage at end */
  if (a) free (a); a = NULL;
  if (lim) free (lim); lim = NULL;
  if (num) free (num); num = NULL;
  if (text) free (text); text = NULL;
  if (link) free (link); link = NULL;
  if (com) free (com); com = NULL;
  if (com_prompt) free (com_prompt); com_prompt = NULL;
  if (note_file) free (note_file); note_file = NULL;
  if (ProgName) free (ProgName); ProgName = NULL;
void local_echo (ecce_int *sym) {       /* Later, make this a char fn. */
   ecce_int lsym;
   if (commandp) {
      lsym = *commandp;
      if (lsym == '\0') {lsym = '\n'; commandp = NULL;} else commandp += 1;
      blank_line = (lsym == '\n');
      *sym = lsym;
      if (log_out != NULL) {
         fputwc (lsym, log_out);
   if (blank_line) {fprintf(tty_out, "%s", eprompt); fflush(tty_out); }    /* stderr usually unbuffered, but flush needed for cygwin */
   lsym = fgetwc (tty_in);
   if (IntSeen) {
     /* Tuned for windows */
     IntSeen = FALSE;
     signal(SIGINT, &gotint);
     lsym = '\n';
     fputwc('^', tty_out); fputwc('C', tty_out); fputwc('\n', tty_out);
   if (lsym == WEOF) {
      IntSeen = FALSE;
      signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
      fputwc('\n', tty_out); /* Undo the prompt */
      percent ('c');
      exit (50);
   if (log_out != NULL) {
      fputwc (lsym, log_out);
   blank_line = (lsym == '\n');
   *sym = lsym;
void read_sym (void) {
   if (pending_sym == 0) {
      do { local_echo (&sym); } while (sym == ' ');
                               /* Better test wanted for noise */
   } else {
      sym = pending_sym;   /* C has an ungetc() but not very standard... */
      pending_sym = 0;
bool fail_with (char *mess, ecce_int culprit) {
 int dirn_sign;
   if (('a' <= culprit) && (culprit <= 'z')) {
      dirn_sign = '-';
   } else {
     if ((culprit & plusbit) != 0) {
        dirn_sign = '+';
     } else {
        dirn_sign = ' ';
   culprit = culprit & (~plusbit);
   if (('A' <= culprit) && (culprit <= 'Z'))
      culprit = culprit | casebit;
   fprintf (stderr, "* %s %lc%c\n", mess, culprit, dirn_sign);
   do { read_sym (); } while (sym_type(sym) != sym_type(';'));
   return (ok = FALSE);
void read_item(void) {
   ecce_int saved_digit;
   read_sym ();
   if (isalpha(sym) && islower(sym)) sym = toupper(sym);
   type = sym_type(sym);
   if ((type & ext) == 0) return;
   switch (type & 15) {
      case star:
         number = 0L;
      case pling:
         number = stopper-1;
      case dig:
         saved_digit = sym;
         number = 0L;
         do {
            number = (number * 10) + (sym - '0');
         } while (('0' <= sym) && (sym <= '9'));
         pending_sym = sym;
         sym = saved_digit; /* for printing in errors */
void percent (ecce_int Command_sym) {
   static int note_sec = '0'; /* This one MUST be a static */
   cindex P;
   int inoutlog;
   ecce_int sec_no;
   bool file_wanted; /* %s2 or %s2=fred ? */
   char sec_file[256], *sec_filep;
   ok = TRUE;
   if (!isalpha(Command_sym)) {
      (void) fail_with ("letra para", '%');
   switch (Command_sym) {
      case 'L':
         to_upper_case = ~0;
         to_lower_case = casebit;
/*         to_lower_case = 0; ---- standard ecce */
         caseflip = 0;
      case 'U':
         to_upper_case = ~casebit;
         to_lower_case = 0;
/*         to_lower_case = casebit; ---- standard ecce */
         caseflip = 0;
      case 'N':
         to_upper_case = ~0;
         to_lower_case = 0;
         caseflip = casebit;
      case 'E':
         to_upper_case = ~casebit; /* Only for searches - not in C command */
         to_lower_case = 0;
         caseflip = casebit;
      case 'V':
         fprintf (tty_out, "Ecce %s", VERSION);
#ifdef WANT_UTF8
         fprintf (tty_out, "/UTF8");
         fprintf (tty_out, " en C %s\n", DATE+7);
      case 'W':
	if ((strcmp(parameter[parameter[T] == NULL ? F : T], "-") == 0) ||
            ((parameter[T] != NULL) && (strcmp(parameter[T], "/dev/stdout") == 0))) { /*SYS*/
           fprintf(stderr, "* %%W no está permitido cuando la salida del fichero es stdout\n");
      case 'C':
         do { read_sym (); } while (sym_type(sym) != sym_type(';'));
      case 'c':
         if (parameter[T] == NULL) {
            inoutlog = F;         /* So use input file as output file */
         } else {
            inoutlog = T;
         if (in_second) { /* Copied bit */
         /*************** This block is copied from the %S code below;
           it ensures that the main edit buffer is pulled in when closing
           the edit and writing out the file.  This is a quick hack: I
           should change this and the copy in percent('S') so that both
           share the same subroutine ensure_main_edit() *****************/
            FILE *sec_out = fopen (note_file, "wb");
            (void)strcpy (com_prompt, ">");
            if (sec_out == NULL) {
               (void) fail_with ("No puedo guardar contexto", ' ');
            P = fbeg;
            for (;;) {
               if (P == pp) P = fp;
               if (P == fend) break;
               fputwc (*P++, sec_out);
            fclose (sec_out);
            pp = fbeg - 1;
            fp = fend + 1;
            fbeg = a+1;
            fend = a+buffer_size;
            lbeg = pp;
            do { --lbeg; } while (*lbeg != '\n');
            lend = fp;
            while (*lend != '\n') lend++;
            in_second = FALSE;
            if (sec_no == 0) {
               / * do nothing. Else note it and re-select it if this is
                  a percent('W') ! * /
         }  /* End of copied bit */
         if (Command_sym == 'c') {
            parameter[inoutlog] = backup_save;
            main_out = fopen (parameter[inoutlog], "wb");
            if (main_out == NULL) {
                       "Lo siento, no puedo guardar su edición (incluso %s ha fallado)\n", backup_save);
            fprintf (tty_out, "Ecce abandonado: guardando en %s\n", parameter[inoutlog]);
         } else {
           if ((strcmp(parameter[inoutlog], "-") == 0) || (strcmp(parameter[inoutlog], "/dev/stdout") == 0)) /*SYS*/
               main_out = stdout;
               main_out = fopen (parameter[inoutlog], "wb");
            if (main_out == NULL) {
               fprintf (stderr,
                        "No puedo crear \"%s\" - intento guardarlo en %s en su lugar\n",
                        parameter[inoutlog], backup_save);
               main_out = fopen (backup_save, "w");
               if (main_out == NULL) {
                 fprintf(stderr, "Imposible guardar fichero de todos modos. Me rindo. Lo siento!\n");
            } else {
               if (inoutlog == T) {
                  fprintf (tty_out,
                           "Ecce %s a %s completando.\n", parameter[F], parameter[T]);
               } else {
                  fprintf (tty_out, "Ecce %s completando.\n", parameter[F]);
         P = fbeg;
         for (;;) {
            if (P == pp) P = fp;
            if (P == fend) break;
            fputwc (*P++, main_out);
         if (main_out != stdout) fclose (main_out);
         if (Command_sym == 'W') {
            pending_sym = '\n';
         if (log_out != NULL) {
            fclose (log_out);
/*         fprintf (tty_out, "Ecce complete\n");      */
         free_buffers ();
         exit (0);
      case 'A':
         if (log_out != NULL) {
            fclose (log_out);
         fprintf (stderr, "\nAbortado!\n");
         free_buffers ();
         exit (60);
      case 'S':
         local_echo (&sec_no);
         file_wanted = FALSE;
         if (sym_type(sec_no) == sym_type(';')) {sec_no = 0;}
           /* '\0' means main, '0' means 0,
              so a plain '%s' in secondary input means switch back to
              main and in main means switch to 0. */
         else if (sec_no == '=') {sec_no = '0'; file_wanted = TRUE;}
           /* Here '0' is explicit because we never want to switch to
              main with a '%s=fred' call. */
         else  {
            if (sec_no == '!') {sec_no = '?';}
            else if (sec_no == '=') {sec_no = '0'; file_wanted = TRUE;}
            else if (!(('0' <= sec_no) && (sec_no <= '9'))) {
               (void) fail_with ("%S", sec_no);
            local_echo (&sym);
            if (sym == '=') {
               file_wanted = TRUE;
            } else if (sym_type(sym) != sym_type(';')) {
               (void) fail_with ("%S?", sym);
         if (file_wanted) {
           sec_filep = &sec_file[0];
           do {
             *sec_filep++ = sym;
           } while (sym != '\n');
           *--sec_filep = '\0';
         pending_sym = '\n';
         note_file[CONTEXT_OFFSET] = note_sec;
         if (in_second) {
            FILE *sec_out = fopen (note_file, "wb");
            (void)strcpy (com_prompt, ">");
            if (sec_out == NULL) {
               (void) fail_with ("No puede guardar contexto", ' ');
            P = fbeg;
            for (;;) {
               if (P == pp) P = fp;
               if (P == fend) break;
               fputwc (*P++, sec_out);
            fclose (sec_out);
            pp = fbeg - 1;
            fp = fend + 1;
            fbeg = a+1;
            fend = a+buffer_size;
            lbeg = pp;
            do { --lbeg; } while (*lbeg != '\n');
            lend = fp;
            while (*lend != '\n') lend++;
            in_second = FALSE;
            if (sec_no == 0) {
         if (sec_no == 0) sec_no = '0';
         note_file[CONTEXT_OFFSET] = sec_no;
         note_sec = sec_no;
            FILE *sec_in = (file_wanted
                             ? fopen (sec_file, "rb")
                             : fopen (note_file, "rb"));
            if (sec_in == NULL) {
               if (file_wanted) {
                  (void) fail_with ("No puede abrir fichero", ' ');
               } else {
                  (void) fail_with ("Context desconocido", sec_no);
            (void)strcpy (com_prompt, "X>");
            com_prompt[0] = sec_no;
            in_second = TRUE;
            *pp = '\n';
            fbeg = pp + 1;
            fend = fp - 1;
            pp = fbeg;
            fp = fend;
            *fend = '\n';
            lbeg = pp;
            P = pp;
            for (;;) {
               sym = fgetwc(sec_in);
               if (sym == WEOF) break;
               *P++ = sym;
               if (P == fend) {
                  (void) fail_with ("%S corrupto - sin espacio", ' ');
                  fclose (sec_in);
            fclose (sec_in);
            while (P != pp) *--fp = *--P;
            lend = fp;
            while (*lend != '\n') lend++;
         (void) fail_with ("Porciento", Command_sym);
   do { read_sym(); } while (sym_type(sym) != sym_type(';'));
void unchain(void) {
   do {
      pointer = last_unit;
      if (pointer < 0) return;
      last_unit = link[pointer];
      link[pointer] = this_unit;
   } while (com[pointer] != '(');
void stack(void) {
   com[this_unit]  = command;
   link[this_unit] = pointer;
   num[this_unit]  = repeat_count;
   lim[this_unit]  = limit;
void execute_command(void) {
   cindex i;
   ecce_int sym;
   ok = TRUE;
   switch (command & (~plusbit)) {
      case 'p':
      case 'P':
         printed = TRUE;
         i = lbeg;
         for (;;) {
            if (i == noted) {
               fprintf (tty_out, "*** Nota ***");
               if (i == lbeg) fputc ('\n', tty_out);
            if (i == pp) {
               if (i != lbeg) fputc ('^', tty_out);
               i = fp;
            if (i == lend) break;
            sym = *i++;
#ifdef WANT_UTF8
            sym &= 0xffff;
            sym &= 0xff;
            if (sym > 127) {
	       /* Would use fputwc but it didn't output anything whereas %lc worked OK */
               fprintf (tty_out, "%lc", sym);
            } else if ((sym < 32) || (sym == 127)) {
               fprintf (tty_out, "<%d>", sym);      /* or %2x ? */
            } else fputc (sym, tty_out);
         if (i == fend) fprintf (tty_out, "*** Fin ***");
         fputc ('\n', tty_out);
         if (repeat_count == 1L) return;
         if ((command & minusbit) != 0) {
            move_back (); left_star();
         } else {
            move ();
      case 'g':
      case 'G':
         local_echo (&sym);
         if (sym == ':') {
            local_echo (&sym);
            pending_sym = sym;
            if (sym != '\n')
               printed = TRUE;
            ok = FALSE;
         for (;;) {
            if (pp == fp) /* FULL! */ { ok = FALSE; } else *pp++ = sym;
            if (sym == '\n') break;
            local_echo (&sym);
         lbeg = pp;
         if ((command & minusbit) != 0) {
            printed = TRUE;
      case 'E':
         if (fp == lend) {
            ok = FALSE;
         if (repeat_count == 0L) {
            fp = lend;
            ok = FALSE;
         } else fp++;
      case 'e':
         if (pp == lbeg) {
            ok = FALSE;
         if (repeat_count == 0L) {
            pp = lbeg;
            ok = FALSE;
         } else --pp;
      case 'C':
         if (fp == lend) {
            ok = FALSE;
         sym = *fp++;
         if (('a' <= (sym | casebit)) && ((sym | casebit) <= 'z')) {
            if (caseflip != 0) {
               *pp++ = sym ^ casebit;
            } else {
               *pp++ = ((sym ^ casebit) | to_lower_case) & to_upper_case;
         } else {
            *pp++ = sym;
      case 'c':
         if (pp == lbeg) {
            ok = FALSE;
         sym = *--pp;
         if (('a' <= (sym | casebit)) && ((sym | casebit) <= 'z')) {
            if (caseflip != 0) {
               *--fp = sym ^ casebit;
            } else {
               *--fp = ((sym ^ casebit) | to_lower_case) & to_upper_case;
         } else {
            *--fp = sym;
      case 'l':
      case 'R':
         if (repeat_count == 0L) {
            ok = FALSE;
         } else (void) right ();
         ms_back = NULL;
      case 'r':
      case 'L':
         if (repeat_count == 0L) {
            ok = FALSE;
         } else (void) left ();
         ms = NULL;
      case 'B':
         if (pp == fp) /* FULL! */ { ok = FALSE; return; }
         *pp++ = '\n';
         lbeg = pp;
      case 'b':
         if (pp == fp) /* FULL! */ { ok = FALSE; return; }
         *--fp = '\n';
         lend = fp;
      case 'J':
         if (fp == fend) {
            ok = FALSE;
         lend = ++fp;
         while (*lend != '\n')
      case 'j':
         if (pp == fbeg) {
            ok = FALSE;
         lbeg = --pp;
         do { --lbeg; } while (*lbeg != '\n');
      case 'M':
         if (repeat_count == 0L) {
            ok = FALSE;
         } else {
            move ();
      case 'm':
         if (repeat_count == 0L) {
            ok = FALSE;
         } else {
            move_back(); left_star(); /* retain standard Edinburgh compatibility - my preference would have been to leave cursor at RHS */
      case 'k':
      case 'K':
         if ((command & minusbit) != 0) {
            if (!ok) return;
         pp = lbeg;
         fp = lend;
         if (lend == fend) {
            ok = FALSE;
         lend = ++fp ;
         while (*lend != '\n') lend++;
      case 'V':
         (void) verify ();
      case 'v':
         (void) verify_back ();
      case 'F':
         (void) find ();
      case 'f':
         (void) find_back ();
      case 'U':
         if (!find ()) return;
         pp = pp_before;
         lbeg = pp;
         do { --lbeg; } while (*lbeg != '\n');
      case 'u':
         if (!find_back ()) return;
         fp = fp_before;
         lend = fp;
         while (*lend != '\n')
      case 'D':
         if (!find ()) return;
         fp = ml;
         ms = fp;
      case 'd':
         if (!find_back ()) return;
         pp = ml_back;
         ms_back = pp;
      case 'T':
         if (!find ()) return;
         while (fp != ml) *pp++ = *fp++;
      case 't':
         if (!find_back ()) return;
         while (pp != ml_back) *--fp = *--pp;
      case 'I':
         insert ();
      case 'i':
         insert_back ();
      case 's':
      case 'S':
         if (fp == ms) {
            fp = ml;
         } else if (pp == ms_back) {
            pp = ml_back;
         } else {
            ok = FALSE;
         if ((command & minusbit) != 0) {
            insert_back ();
         } else {
            insert ();
      case '(':
         num[pointer] = repeat_count;
         repeat_count = 1L;
      case ')':
         if ((0 != num[this_unit]) && (num[this_unit] != stopper)) {
            this_unit = pointer;
         repeat_count = 1L;
      case '\\':
         ok = FALSE;
      case '?':
      case ',':
         this_unit = pointer - 1;
      case 'N':
         noted = pp;
         changes = fp-pp;
      case 'A':
         if ((noted == NULL)
          || (noted >= pp)
          || (changes != fp-pp)) {                    /*BUG*/
            ok = FALSE;
         note_file[CONTEXT_OFFSET] = lim[this_unit]+'0';
            FILE *note_out = fopen (note_file, "wb");
            cindex p = noted;
            if (note_out == NULL) {
               ok = FALSE;
            do {
               fputwc (*p++, note_out);
            } while (p != pp);
            fclose (note_out);
            pp = noted;
            lbeg = pp;
            do { --lbeg; } while (*lbeg != '\n');
         noted = NULL;
      case 'H':
         note_file[CONTEXT_OFFSET] = lim[this_unit]+'0';
            FILE *note_in = fopen (note_file, "rb");
            if (note_in == NULL) {
               ok = FALSE;
            { cindex p = pp;
               for (;;) {
                  sym = fgetwc(note_in);
                  if (sym == WEOF) break;
                  if (p == fp) {
                     ok = FALSE;
                  *p++ = sym;
               pp = p;
            lbeg = pp;
            do { --lbeg; } while (*lbeg != '\n');
            fclose (note_in);
         (void) fail_with ("Comando desconocido", command);
void Scan_sign(void) {
   read_sym ();
   if (sym_type(sym) == sym_type('+')) {
      command = command | plusbit;
   } else if ((sym_type(sym) == sym_type('-')) &&
            (('A' <= command) && (command <= 'Z'))) {
      command = command | minusbit;
   } else {
      pending_sym = sym;
void Scan_scope(void) {                      /* ditto macro */
   ecce_int uppercase_command = command & (~(minusbit | plusbit));
   if ((uppercase_command == 'D') || (uppercase_command == 'U')) number = 1L; else number = 0L;
   read_item ();
   if ((type & numb) == 0) pending_sym = sym;
   limit = number;
   if (('H' == uppercase_command) || (uppercase_command == 'A')) {
      if (!((0L <= limit) && (limit <= 9L))) limit = '?'-'0';
void Scan_text(void) {
   ecce_int last;
   read_sym ();
   last = sym;
   if ((sym_type(sym) & delim) == 0) {
      pending_sym = sym;
      (void) fail_with ("Texto para", command);
   if (('a' <= command) && (command <= 'z')) {
      text[endpos] = 0;
      for (;;) {
         local_echo (&sym);
         if (sym == last) break;
         if (sym == '\n') {
            pending_sym = '\n';
         text[--endpos] = sym;
      pointer = endpos--;
   } else {
      pointer = pos;
      for (;;) {
         local_echo (&sym);
         if (sym == last) break;
         if (sym == '\n') {
            pending_sym = '\n';
         text[pos++] = sym;
      text[pos++] = 0;
   ok = TRUE;
void Scan_repeat (void) {
   number = 1L;
   read_item ();
   if ((type & numb) == 0) pending_sym = sym;
   repeat_count = number;
bool analyse (void) {
   int saved_type;
   ok = TRUE;
   pos = 0;
   endpos = Max_command_units;
   this_unit = 0;
   last_unit = -1;
   eprompt = com_prompt;
   do { read_item (); } while (type == sym_type(';'));
   command = sym;
   if (command == '%') {
      if (sym_type(sym) == sym_type(';')) {
         pending_sym = sym;
         sym = 0;
      percent (((('a' <= sym) && (sym <= 'z')) ? (sym - casebit) : sym  ));
      return (ok = FALSE); /* to inhibit execution */
   if ((type & numb) != 0) {
      if (max_unit > 0) {
         num[max_unit] = number;
      } else {
         return (ok = FALSE);
      if (type != sym_type(';'))
         (void) fail_with ("?", sym);
      pending_sym = sym;
      return (ok);
   for (;;) {  /* on items */
      if ((type & err) != 0) {
         return (fail_with ("Comando", command));
      if ((type & delim) != 0) {
         return (fail_with ("Comando antes", command));
      if ((type & numb) != 0) {
         return (fail_with ("Conteo de repetición inesperado", command));
      limit = 0L;
      pointer = 0;
      repeat_count = 1L;
      if ((type & ext) == 0) {
         saved_type = type;           /* All this needs a tidy-up */
         if ((saved_type & sign) != 0) Scan_sign ();
         if ((saved_type & scope) != 0) Scan_scope ();
         if ((saved_type & txt) != 0) Scan_text ();
         if (!ok) return (ok);
         if ((saved_type & rep) != 0) Scan_repeat ();
         type = saved_type;
      } else {
         switch (type & 15) {
            case termin:
               pending_sym = '\n';  /* for skipping on error */
               unchain ();
               if (pointer >= 0) {
                  return (fail_with ("Faltante", ')'));
               max_unit = this_unit;
               repeat_count = 1L;
               command = ')';
               stack ();
               command = 0;
               stack ();
               return (ok);
            case lpar:
               command = '(';
               pointer = last_unit;
               last_unit = this_unit;
            case comma:
               command = ',';
               pointer = last_unit;
               last_unit = this_unit;
            case rpar:
               command = ')';
               Scan_repeat ();
               unchain ();
               if (pointer < 0) {
                  return (fail_with ("Faltante", '('));
               num[pointer] = repeat_count;
      stack ();
      read_item ();
      command = sym;
   }  /* on items */
void load_file (void) {
   cindex p = fbeg;
   ecce_int sym;
   sym = fgetwc(main_in);
   while (sym != WEOF) {
       if (sym != '\r') { /* Ignore CR in CR/LF on DOS/Win */
        *p++ = sym;
        if (p == fend) {
           fprintf (stderr, "* Fichero muy grande!\n");
           percent ('A');
      sym = fgetwc(main_in);
#ifdef WANT_UTF8
      if (errno == EILSEQ) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Se encontró un caracter ancho inválido. Puede necesitar ejecutar: export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8\n");  /*SYS*/
   fclose (main_in);
   while (p != fbeg) *--fp = *--p;
   lend = fp;
   while (*lend != '\n')
bool execute_unit (void) {
   ecce_int culprit;
   command = com[this_unit];
   culprit = command;
   pointer = link[this_unit];
   repeat_count = num[this_unit];
   for (;;) {  /* On repeats of this_unit */
      if (IntSeen) {
        return (ok = FALSE);
      execute_command ();
      if (ok) {
         if (repeat_count == 0L || repeat_count == stopper) {
           return (ok);
      ok = TRUE;
      for (;;) {  /* scanning for end of unit (e_g_ ')') */
         if (IntSeen) {
           return (ok = FALSE);
         if (repeat_count < 0L ) {
           if (com[this_unit+1] == '\\') {
              return (ok = FALSE);
           return (ok);
         if ((com[this_unit+1] == '\\') || (com[this_unit+1] == '?')) {
            return (ok);
         /* indefinite repetition never fails */
         for (;;) {  /* scanning for end of sequence */
            if (IntSeen) {
              return (ok = FALSE);
            command = com[this_unit];
            switch (command) {
               case '(':
                  this_unit = link[this_unit];
                  break; /* Skip over (...) as if it were single command. */
               case ',':
                  return (ok);
               case ')': /* Should test for '\\' and '?' following? */
                  repeat_count = num[this_unit];
                  /* A bug was fixed here: something got lost in the
                     translation from BCPL to C -- the line below was
                     a 'break' which unfortunately broke out of the
                     enclosing case statement rather than the desired
                     for-loop! */
                  /* rely on enclosing for-loop to handle \ and ? correctly! */
                  goto breaklab;
               default: /* Possible bugfix - what happens on missing cases? */;
            if (com[this_unit] == 0) {/* 0 denotes end of command-line. */
               return (fail_with ("Fallo:", culprit));
         }  /* end of seq */
         breaklab: ;
      }  /* find () ')' without \ or ? */
   } /* executing repeats */
void execute_all (void) {
   eprompt = ":";
   this_unit = 0;
   do {
      if (!execute_unit()) {
      if (IntSeen) {
   } while (com[this_unit] != 0);
   ok = TRUE;
/* All of the following could be static inlines under GCC, or
   I might recode some of them as #define'd macros */
ecce_int case_op (ecce_int sym) {               /* should be made a macro */
   int chr = sym | casebit;
   if (isalpha(sym)) { /* this is a flip.  It doesn't yet support %L/%U/%N/%E */
     if (islower(sym)) {
       sym = toupper(sym);
     } else if (isupper(sym)) {
       sym = tolower(sym);
   if (('a' <= chr) && (chr <= 'z')) sym = (sym | to_lower_case)
                                                & to_upper_case;
   return (sym);
bool right (void) {
   if (fp == lend) {
      return (ok = FALSE);
   *pp++ = *fp++;
   return (ok = TRUE);
bool left (void) {
   if (pp == lbeg) {
      return (ok = FALSE);
   *--fp = *--pp;
   return (ok = TRUE);
void right_star(void) {                      /* Another macro */
   while (fp != lend) *pp++ = *fp++;
void left_star(void) {                       /* Likewise... */
   while (pp != lbeg) *--fp = *--pp;
void move (void) {
   ok = TRUE;
   right_star ();
   if (fp == fend) {
      ok = FALSE;
   *pp++ = *fp++;
   lbeg = pp;
   lend = fp;
   while (*lend != '\n') lend++;
   ms_back = NULL;
void move_back(void) {
   ok = TRUE;
   left_star ();
   if (pp == fbeg) {
      ok = FALSE;
   *--fp = *--pp;
   lend = fp;
   lbeg = pp;
   do { --lbeg; } while (*lbeg != '\n');
   ms = NULL;
void move_star (void) {
   while (fp != fend) *pp++ = *fp++;
   lend = fend;
   lbeg = pp;
   do { --lbeg; } while (*lbeg != '\n');
   ms_back = NULL;
void move_back_star (void) {
   while (pp != fbeg) *--fp = *--pp;
   lbeg = fbeg;
   lend = fp;
   while (*lend != '\n')
   ms = NULL;
void insert (void) {
   int p = pointer;
   ml_back = pp;
   while (text[p] != 0) {
     if (pp == fp) /* FULL! */ { ok = FALSE; break; }
     *pp++ = text[p++];
   ms_back = pp;
   ms = NULL;
void insert_back (void) {
   int p = pointer;
   ml = fp;
   while (text[p] != 0) {
     if (pp == fp) /* FULL! */ { ok = FALSE; break; }
     *--fp = text[p++];
   ms = fp;
   ms_back = NULL;
bool verify (void) {
   int x = pointer;
   cindex y = fp-1;
   ecce_int if_sym;
   ecce_int sym ;
   do {
      sym = case_op (text[x++]);
      if_sym = case_op (*++y);
   } while (sym == if_sym);
   if (sym != 0) return (ok = FALSE);
   ms = fp;
   ml = y;
   ms_back = NULL;
   return (ok = TRUE);
bool verify_back (void) {
   int x = pointer - 1;
   int y = 0;
   ecce_int if_sym;
   ecce_int sym;
   do {
      sym = case_op (text[++x]);
      if_sym = case_op (*(pp - ++y));
   } while (sym == if_sym);
   if (sym != 0) return (ok = FALSE);
   ms_back = pp;
   ml_back = pp - y + 1;
   ms = NULL;
   return (ok = TRUE);
bool find (void) {
   ecce_int sym = text[pointer] | casebit;
   pp_before = pp;
   limit = lim[this_unit];
   if (fp == ms) {
      if (!(right ())) move ();
   for (;;) {
      if ((*fp | casebit) == sym) {
         if (verify ()) return (ok);
      if (!right ()) {
         if (limit == 0L) break;
         move ();
         if (!ok) break;
   return (ok = FALSE);
bool find_back (void) {
   fp_before = fp;
   limit = lim[this_unit];
   if (pp == ms_back) {
      if (!left ()) move_back ();
   for (;;) {
      if (verify_back ()) return(ok);
      if (!left ()) {
         if (limit == 0L) break;
         move_back ();
         if (!ok) break;
   return (ok = FALSE);