#!/usr/local/bin/bash # # Author: Martin "BruXy" Bruchanov, bruxy at regnet.cz # # Check input first if [ ! $# -eq 1 ] || [ "$1" == "-h"] || [ "$1" == "--help" ] ; then printf "Uso:\n" printf "\t$0 imagen_guardada\n" printf "\n\tLos datos de imagen serán guardados con el nombre dado, si existe el fichero\n" printf "\tserá presentado y listo para editar!\n" printf "\tPresione en cualquier momento para salir del programa.\n" exit 1 fi ################## # Initialization # ################## IMAGE_FILE=$1 _STTY=$(stty -g) # Save current terminal setup printf "\e[2J" # clear screen, set cursos at beginning stty -echo -icanon # Turn off line buffering printf "\e[?9h" # Enable terminal mouse reading printf "\e[?25l" # Turn of cursor printf "\e]0;-=[ ShPaint ]=-\007" # Hash array with image data, # ... key is "$Y;$X", # ... value ANSI colors and brush "b;F;Bm█" declare -A IMAGE # Defaults BRUSHES=(░ ▒ ▓ █ ▄ ▌ ▐ ▀) FG=( {30..37} ) BG=( {40..47} ) # 49 ... default background X=0 Y=0 ERASE=0 BRUSH=${BRUSHES[3]} FG_COLOR="1;${FG[7]}" BG_COLOR=49 ############# # Functions # ############# function save_image() { printf "\e[2J" > $IMAGE_FILE for i in ${!IMAGE[@]} do printf "\e[${i}f\e[${IMAGE[$i]}\e[0m" done >> $IMAGE_FILE # set cursor under the image printf "\e[$(tput lines);1f" >> $IMAGE_FILE } function at_exit() { printf "\e[?9l" # Turn off mouse reading printf "\e[?12l\e[?25h" # Turn on cursor stty "$_STTY" # reinitialize terminal settings clear echo "Thank for using ansipaint!" if [ ! -z "$IMAGE_FILE" ] ; then echo "Your image is saved as '$IMAGE_FILE'." save_image fi exit } # X = $1, Y = $2 function set_pos() { echo -en "\e[$2;$1f" } function show_pos() { set_pos 65 1 printf "x,y = %3d,%3d" $X $Y } function show_brush() { set_pos 70 2 printf "[ \e[${FG_COLOR};${BG_COLOR}m$BRUSH\e[0m ]" } function process_click() { # X=$1 Y=$2 # set foreground color if [ $Y -eq 1 ] || [ $Y -eq 2 ] ; then if [ $X -gt 2 ] && [ $X -lt 28 ] ; then FG_COLOR="$[Y-1];${FG[$[(X-4)/3]]}" ERASE=0 fi fi # set background color if [ $Y -eq 1 ] && [ $X -gt 34 ] ; then if [ $X -gt 34 ] && [ $X -lt 59 ] ; then BG_COLOR="${BG[$[X-35]/3]}" ERASE=0 else BG_COLOR="49" ERASE=0 fi fi # set brush if [ $Y -eq 2 ] && [ $X -gt 36 ] && [ $X -le 51 ] ; then BRUSH=${BRUSHES[$[(X-37)/2]]} ERASE=0 fi # set erase if [ $Y -eq 2 ] && [ $X -ge 54 ] && [ $X -le 62 ] ; then BRUSH=" " BG_COLOR="49" ERASE=1 fi # DEBUG # set_pos 0 25 # printf "$FG_COLOR $BG_COLOR $BRUSH" } function draw_menu() { set_pos 1 1; echo "FG: " for i in ${FG[*]} do set_pos $[(i-30)*3+4] 1 echo -en "\e[${i}m███\e[0m" set_pos $[(i-30)*3+4] 2 echo -en "\e[1;${i}m███\e[0m" done set_pos 30 1; echo "BG: " for i in ${BG[*]} do set_pos $[(i-40)*3+35] 1 echo -en "\e[${i}m \e[0m" done echo " |" # default background (49) set_pos 30 2; echo -en "Brush: ${BRUSHES[*]}" printf " [ Erase ]" show_brush } function load_image() { if [ -f $IMAGE_FILE ] ; then data=$(sed -e 's/\x1b/E/g;s/E\[0m/\n/g;s/E\[2J//' $IMAGE_FILE | \ sed -n -e 's/E\[\(.*\)fE\[\(.*m.\)/IMAGE["\1"]="\2"/ p') eval $data cat < $IMAGE_FILE fi } ########## # MAIN # ########## trap at_exit ERR EXIT load_image draw_menu while : do read -N 6 click mouse=( `echo -en ${click#???} | hexdump -v -e'1/1 " %u"'` ) X=$[ ${mouse[0]} - 32] Y=$[ ${mouse[1]} - 32] process_click show_pos show_brush if [ $Y -gt 2 ] ; then echo -en "\e[${Y};${X}f\e[${FG_COLOR};${BG_COLOR}m$BRUSH\e[0m" if [ $ERASE -eq 0 ] ; then IMAGE["${Y};${X}"]="${FG_COLOR};${BG_COLOR}m$BRUSH" else unset IMAGE["${Y};${X}"] fi fi done