=====Hackrónimos===== Muchos de las siglas y acrónimos hacker refieren a [[hacklore|expresiones utilizadas]] por la comunidad [[hacker]]. La mayoría refieren al //slang// inglés americano y británico. ^Hackrónimo ^ Acrónimo ^ Traducción ^ | 10Q |thank you | Gracias | | 10X |thanks | "Gracias" | | 1337 |elite ("leet") | Hacker super-habilidoso | | 31337 |elite ("eleet") | ver arriba | | 224 |today, tomorrow, forever | "por siempre" | | 4TW |for the win | "para ganar" | | A/S/L |age/sex/location | | AAMOF |as a matter of fact | "de hecho..." | | ABD |all but dissertation | | AC |audible chuckle | "atragantamiento audible" | | ADD |attention deficit disorder | Desorden de déficit de atención | | ADHD |attention deficit (and) hyperactivity disorder | | ADN |any day now | "en cualquier momento" | | ADOS |attention deficit ... oh, shiny! | | AEAP |as early as possible | "tan temprano como sea posible" | | AFAIAC |as far as I am concerned | "en lo que que me concierne" | | AFAIC |as far as I'm concerned | Ver arriba | | AFAICR |as far as I can {recall,remember} | "según creo..." | | AFAICS |as far as I can see | "según veo" | | AFAICT |as far as I can tell | "según puedo decir" | | AFAIK |as far as I know | "hasta lo que sé" | | AFAIR |as far as I {recall,remember} | "según recuerdo" | | AFAIU |as far as I understand | "según entiendo" | | AFD |away from desktop | "alejado del escritorio" | | AFK |away from keyboard | "alejado del teclado" | | AFW |away from window | "alejado de la ventana" | | AGM |annual general meeting | "reunión general anual" | | AINEC |and it's not even close | "y ni siquiera está cerca" | | AISE |as I see it | "Como lo veo yo" ! | AIU |as I understand | "según yo lo entiendo" | | AIUI |as I understand it | ver arriba | | AKA |also known as | "alias" | | AM |ante meridiem | | | AMA |ask me anything | "preguntame todo" | | AMOL |a mountain of love | "montaña de amor" | | ASAIC |as soon as I can | "tan pronto como pueda" | | ASAP |as soon as possible | "tan pronto como sea posible" | | ASL |age/sex/location | "edad,sexo,dirección" | | ATEOTD |at the end of the day | "al final (del día)" | | ATM |t the moment | "por el momento" | | ATM |{automated,automatic} teller machine | "cajero automático" | | ATW |around the world | "alrededor del mundo" | | [[AWK]] | Aho, Weinberger, [y] Kernighan | programadores de awk | | AWOL | absent without official leave | "ausente sin justificativo" | | AYBABTU | all your base are belong to us | "toda tu base nos pertenece" | | AYF | all your fault | "todo es tu culpa" | | AYOR | at your own risk | "bajo tu propio riesgo" | | AYT |are you there | "¿estás ahí?" | | B& |banned | prohibido, expulsado | | B/C |because | "Debido a..." | | B/W |bandwidth | Ancho de banda | | B/W |between | Entre (medio) | | BAI |goodbye | "adiós" | | BAK |back at keyboard | "De vuelta en el teclado" | | BBIAB |be back in a bit | "En un ratito vuelvo" | | BBL |[I'll] be back later | "Vuelvo mas tarde" | | BBR |burnt beyond repair | "Quemado más allá de toda reparación" | | BBS |be back soon | "vuelvo enseguida" | | BBT |be back tomorrow | "mañana vuelvo" | | BCNU |be seeing you | "nos vemos" | | BCNUL8R |be seeing you later | "Nos vemos luego" | | BCP |best current practice | "Mejor práctica actual" | | BF |best friend | "mejor amig@" | | BF |boyfriend | "novio" | | BFF |best {friend,friends} forever | "mejor amig@ eterno" | | BIAB |back in a bit | "en un ratito vuelvo" | | BIAF |back in a few | "Vuelvo pronto" | | BIALW |back in a little while | "vuelvo en un ratito más" | | BIAS |back in a second | "vuelvo en un segundo" | | BIAW |back in a while | "vuelvo en un rato largo" | | BIDI |boy, I did it | "hombre, yo lo hice" | | BNYA |burned now you are | "estás quemado" | | BOC |but of course | "pero por supuesto!" | | BOFH |bastard operator from hell | "Operador Bastardo del Infierno" | | BOT |back on topic | "volviendo al tema" | | BPM |beam propagation method | "método de propagación por rayo" | | BPM |beats per minute | "beats por minuto" | | BRB |[I'll] be right back | "Volveré" | | BSD |booze, sex, drugs | "trago, sexo y drogas" | | BTDT |been there, done that | "estuve ahi, lo hice" | | BTFT |been there, fixed that | "estuve ahí, lo arreglé" | | BTTH |boot to the head | "patada a la cabeza" | | BTW |by the way | "por cierto" | | BYOB |bring your own {beer,booze} | "trae tu propio trago" | | CC |credit card | "tarjeta de crédito" | | CEO |chief executive officer | "funcionario ejecutivo en jefe" | | CFV |call for votes | "pido votación" | | CFY |calling for you | "te llamo" | | CG |center of gravity | "centro de gravedad" | | CHANOPS |channel operator status | "status de operador de canal" | | CMIIW |correct me if I'm wrong | "corregime si estoy equivocado" | | CNP | continued [in my] next post | "continúo en mi siguiente post" | | COB | close of business [day] | "negocio cerrado" | | COTS | commercial off-the-shelf | "En vidriera comercial" | | CPC | cost per click | "costo por clic" | | CPE | customer premises equipment | "equipamiento en premisas del cliente" | | CRM | customer relationship management | "gestor de relaciones con cliente" | | CTN | can't talk now | "no puedo hablar ahora" | | CU | see you | "nos vemos" | | CUL | see you later | "nos vemos después" | | CYA | see ya | "nos vemos" | | CYA | see you around | "nos vemos por aquí" | | CYE | check your email | "revisá el mail" | | D/B/A | doing business as | "haciendo negocios como" | | D/L | download | "descarga" | | DBA | doing business as | "haciendo negocios como" | | DBEYR | don't believe everything you read | "no creas todo lo que lees" | | DIAFYO | did I ask for your opinion? | "¿te pedí tu opinión?" | | DIY | do it yourself | "hazlo tu mismo" | | DKDC | don't know, don't care | "no sé, no me importa" | | DM | direct message | "mensaje directo" | | DM | dungeon master | "amo del calabozo" | | DME | durable medical equipment | "equipamiento médico durable" | | DMEPOS | durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies | "equipamiento médico durable, prótesis, ortodoncia y vituallas" | | DMZ | demilitarized zone | "zona demilitarizada" | | DND | do not disturb | "no molestar" | | DNF | did not finish | "no lo terminé" | | DNFT | do not feed troll | "no alimente al troll" | | DOA | dead on arrival | "muerto al nacer" | | DRY | don't repeat yourself | "no te repitas a tí mismo" | | DSTM | don't shoot the messenger | "no dispares al mensajero" | | DTRT | do the right thing | "haz lo correcto" | | DTWT | do the wrong thing | "haz lo incorrecto" | | DWIM | do what I mean | "haz lo que quiero decir" | | DYK | do you know? | "lo sabes" | | EA | early adopter | "adoptante primigenio" | | ECR | electronic cash register | "caja registradora" | | EDS | eternal downward spiral | "espiral descendente eterno" | | EFT | electronic funds transfer | "trasnferencia de fondos" | | EG | evil grin | "sonrisa maléfica" | | EIE | enough is enough | "suficiente es suficiente" | | EMSG | email message | "mensaje de correo electrónico" | | EOB | end of business [day] | "final de la jornada comercial" | | EOD | end of {day,discussion} | "fin de la discusión" | | EOL | end of life | "fin de la vida" | | EOM | end of message | "fin de mensaje" | | EOS | end of story | "fin de la historia" | | ETA | edited to add | "editado para agregar" | | ETA | estimated time of arrival | "hora estimada de arribo" | | ETLA | extended three letter acronym | "sigla extendida de dos letras" | | ETR | early to rise | "temprano para levantarse" | | EWAG | experienced wild-ass guess | "aproximación estúpida experimentada" | | EZ | easy | "fácil" | | EZPZ | easy-peasy | "superfácil" | | F9 | fine | "bien" | | FAQ | frequently asked question | "preguntas frecuentes" | | FBOW | for better or worse | "para mejor o peor" | | FCFS | first come, first served | "quien llega primero, se sirve primero" | | FCOL | for crying out loud | "por gritar fuerte" | | FFS | free for shipping | "envío gratis" | | FITB | fill in the blank | "llená el espacio" | | FNO | for nerds only | "sólo para nerds" | | FNO | from now on | "de ahora en adelante" | | FOC | free of charge | "sin cargo" | | FPS | first person shooter | "disparos en primera persona" | | FPS | frames per second | "cuadros por segundo" | | FSDO | for some definition of | "una definición de" | | FSVO | for some value of | "un valor de" | | FTBFS | fails to build from source | "falla al compilar desde fuente" | | FTFY | fixed that for you | "lo arreglé por tí" | | FTHOI | for the {heck,hell} of it | "por el dolor/emoción de hacerlo" | | FTL | faster than light | "más rápido que la luz" | | FTL | for the loss | "por la pérdida" | | FTR | for the record | "para el registro" | | FTTT | from time to time | "de tiempo en tiempo" | | FTW | for the win | "por la victoria" | | FUD | fear, uncertainty, [and] doubt | "falta de certeza, temor y duda" | | FWIW | for what it's worth | "por lo que vale" | | FYEO | for your eyes only| "sólo para tu propia lectura" | | FYI | for your information | "para tu información" | | G | grin | "sonrisa" | | G/C | garbage collect | "recoger basura" | | G2G | got to go | "tengo que ir(me)" | | G2K | good to know | "es bueno saberlo" | | GA | go ahead | "adelante" | | GAC | get a clue | "date cuenta" | | GAL | get a life | "consigue una vida" | | GBTW | get back to work | "volvé a trabajar" | | GF | girlfriend | "novia" | | GFU | good for you | "bien por ti" | | GFY | good for you | "bien por ti" | | GG | good game | "buen juego" | | GGA | good game all | "bien jugado" | | GGP | good game partner | "buen equipo" | | GGWP | good game, well played | "bien jugado, buen equipo" | | GIGO | garbage in, garbage out | "entra basura, sale basura" | | GIYF | Google is your friend | "Googl€ es tu amigo" | | GJ | good job | "buen trabajo" | | GL | good luck | "buena suerte" | | GLHF | good luck, have fun | "buena suerte, divertite" | | GLINE | global kill line | "borrar todas las líneas" | | GLWT | good luck with that | "suerte con eso" | | GM | game master | "Maestro del Juengo" (de [[roguelike|mazmorras]]) | | GMT | Greenwich mean time | "tiempo de greenwich" | | GMTA | great minds think alike | "grandes mentes piensan lo mismo" | | GOK | God only knows | "dios sabe porqué" | | GOP | Grand Old Party | "tirar la casa por la ventana" | | GOWI | get on with it | "seguí con eso como está" | | GPS | global positioning system | "sistema de posicionamiento global" | | GR8 | great | "buenísimo" | | GTG | got to go | "tengo que ir (al baño)" | | GTH | go to hell | "andate al carajo" | | GTSY | {glad,good} to see you | "contento en verte" | | GWS | get well soon | "que se mejore pronto" | | H8 | hate | "odio" | | HAND | have a nice day | "tenga un buen día" | | HE | how embarrasing | "¡que vergüenza!" | | HF | have fun | "divertite" | | HHIS | hanging head in shame | "avergonzado" | | HHOS | ha ha, only serious | "jaja, sólo serio" | | HICA | here it comes again | "otra vez de nuevo" | | HME | home medical equipment | "equipamiento médico casero" | | HNY | happy new year | "feliz año nuevo" | | HOAS | hold on a second | "esperen un segundo" | | HOPS | half-operator status | "status de semi-operador" | | HTH | hope this helps | "espero ayude" | | IAC | in any case | "en cualquier caso" | | IAE | in any event | ver arriba | | IANAL | I am not a lawyer | "no soy abogado" | | IAW | in another window | "en otra ventana" | | IAWTC | I agree with this comment | "estoy de acuerdo con el comentario" | | IAWTP | I agree with this post | "estoy de acuerdo con el post" | | IAY | I adore you | "te adoro" | | IB | I'm back | "retorné" | | IC | I see | "ya veo" | | ICBW | I could be {worse,wrong} | "podría ser peor" | | ICCL | I couldn't care less | "no me podría importar menos" | | ICUR | I see you are | "veo que eres..." | | ICYMI | in case you missed it | "por si te lo perdiste" | | IDC | I don't care | "no me importa" | | IDGI | I don't get it | "no lo entiendo" | | IDGW | in a good way | "de buena onda" | | IDI | I doubt it | "lo dudo" | | IDIFTL | I did it for the lulz | "lo hice por la emoción" | | IDK | I don't know | "no sé" | | IDRC | I don't really care | "me importa un pomo" | | IDTS | I don't think so | "no lo creo" | | IDTT | I drink to that | "brindo por ello" | | IFF | if and only if | "si y solo si" | | IFTTT | if this then that | "si esto, entonces aquello" | | IHBW | I have been wrong | "he estado equivocado" | | IIANM | if I am not mistaken | "si no me equivoco" | | IIRC | if I {recall,remember} correctly | "si entiendo/recuerdo correctamente" | | IIUC | if I understand correctly | "si entiendo correctamente" | | IKR | I know, right? | "ya lo sé, ¿sabés?" | | IKWYM | I know what you mean | "ya sé lo que decís" | | ILU | I love you | "te amo" | | ILY | I love you | ver arriba | | IMAO | in my arrogant opinion | "en mi arrogante opinión" | | IMBO | in my biased opinion | "en mi desviada opinión" | | IMCO | in my considered opinion | "en mi considerada opinión" | | IME | in my experience | "por experiencia" | | IMHO | in my humble opinion | "en mi humilde opinión" | | IMNSHO | in my not so humble opinion | "es mi humilde opinión" | | IMO | in my opinion | "en mi opinión" | | INB4 | in before | "como ... antes" | | INPO | in no particular order | "sin orden particular" | | IOW | in other words | "en otras palabras..." | | IPML | I pissed myself laughing | "me meé de la risa" | | IQ |intelligence quotient | "coheficiente intelectual" | | IRCOP | Internet relay chat {operator,operators} | | IRCOPS | Internet relay chat operator status | "status del operador del irc" | | IRL | in real life | "en la vida real" | | IRT |in real time | "en tiempo real" | | IRT|in regards to | "en lo que refiere a..." | | ISAGN | I see a great need | "tengo una enorme necesidad de..." | | ISBN | International Standard Book Number | | ISTM | it seems to me | "a mi me parece" | | ISTR | I seem to {recall,remember} | "creo recordar" | | ITC | in this {channel,chat} | "en este chat" | | ITT | in this thread | "en este hilo" | | ITYM | I think you mean | "creo que querés decir" | | IUD | insert usual disclaimers | "inserte disclaimers de todo tipo" | | IUSS | if you say so | "si tú lo dices" | | IW | it's worse | "es peór aún" | | IWBNI | it would be nice if | "sería bueno que..." | | IYD | in your dreams | "en tus sueños" | | IYKWIM | if you know what I mean | "si sabés lo que digo..." | | IYSS | if you say so | "si vos lo decís..." | | IYSWIM | if you see what I mean | "¡entendés lo que digo?" | | J/K | just kidding | "es una broma" | | JAM | just a minute | "un minuto" | | JAS | just a second | "un segundo" | | JFK |John Fitzgerald Kennedy | "presidente/aeropuerto yanqui" | | JFTR | just for the record | "sólo para que quede registro" | | JFYI | just for your information | "sólo para que lo sepas" | | JGI | just Google it | "sólo gugleálo" | | JGI | just got it | "recién me avivo" | | JHD | just hit delete | "solo apretá Suprimir" | | JIC | just in case | "por las dudas" | | JJA | just joking around | "sólo pelotudeaba" | | JK | just kidding | "sólo bromeaba" | | JMO | just my opinion | "sólo mi opinión" | | JSYK | just so you know | "sólo para que lo sepas" | | JTLYK | just to let you know | "sólo dejame decirte" | | JW | just wondering | "sólo me preguntaba" | | KISS | keep it simple, stupid | "dejalo simple, estupido" | | KITA | kick in the ass | "patada en el orto" | | KK | okay, okay | "ok, ok" | | KLINE | kill line | "borrar línea" | | KMA | keep me advised | "mantemente avisado" | | KMA | keep moving ahead | "seguí avanzando" | | KMA | kill me already | "ya matame" | | KNF | kernel normal form | "froma normal de kernel" | | KOS | kill on sight | "matar al verlo" | | KTHX | okay, thanks | "ok, gracias" | | KTHXBAI | okay, thanks. Goodbye. | "ok, gracias, chau" | | KWIM | know what I mean? | "¿te das cuenta lo que digo?" | | L8 | late | "tarde" | | L8R | later | "luego" | | LART | luser attitude readjustment tool | "herramienta de reajuste de actidud de luser" | | LBNL | last but not least | "lo siguiente pero no último" | | LGTM | looks good to me | "me parece bien" | | LJBF | let's just be friends | "seamos amigos" | | LMAO | laughing my ass off | "me cago de risa" | | LMC | let me check | "dejame ver" | | LMGTFY | let me google that for you | "te lo gugleo" | | LMHO | laughing my head off | "se me salió la cabeza de reirme" | | LMK | let me know | "hazme saber" | | LMNO | laughing my nuts off | "se me rien las bolas" | | LMSO | laughing my socks off | "se me ríen las medias" | | LOIC | low orbit ion cannon | | LOL |laughing out loud | "risotada" | | LP | long playing [record] | | LTNS | long time no see | "largo tiempo sin verte" | | LWYL | laugh with you later | | M8 | mate | "amigo" | | MAD | mutually assured destruction | | MBA | master of business administration | "" | | MFW | my face when | "mira cara cuando..." | | MIA | missing in action | "desaparecido en acción" | | MMB | message me back | "mandame un mensaje" | | MO | modus operandi | | MOTAS | member of the appropriate sex | "miembro del sexo apropiado" | | MOTOS | member of the opposite sex | "miembro del sexo opuesto" | | MOTSS | member of the same sex | "miemrbo del mismo sexo" | | MTF | more to follow | "más a continuación" | | MVP | minimum viable product | "producto mínimo viable" | | MVP | most valuable player | "jugador más valioso" | | MYOB | mind your own business | "metete en tus cosas" | | N/A | not {applicable,available} | "no (aplicable/disponible)" | | N/M | never mind | "no importa/como sea" | | NAFAIK | not as far as I know | "no por lo que conozco" | | NB | nota bene | "lo noto bien" | | NBD | no big deal | "no es gran problema" | | NE1 | anyone | "cualquiera" | | NEDM | not even Doom music | "ni siquiera la música de Doom" | | NFA | no flaming allowed | "no se permiten llamaradas" | | NFC | no functional change | "sin cambio funcional" | | NIFOC | naked in front of computer | "desnud@ en frente al ordenador" | | NIH | not invented here | "no se inventó aquí" | | NIMBY | not in my backyard | "no en mi jardín" | | NM | never mind | "no importa" | | NMF | not my fault | "no es mi culpa" | | NMP | not my problem | "no es mi problema" | | NMU | not much, you? | "no mucho, verdad" | | NOM | no offence meant | "sin ofender" | | NOOB | newbie | "novato" | | NORP | normal ordinary {respectable,responsible} person | "persona normal y ordinaria (respetable/responsable)" | | NOYB | none of your business | "no es tu problema" | | NP | no problem | "no hay problema" | | NPC | non-player character | "personaje nbo jugable" | | NRFPT | not ready for prime time | "no está listo para el horario principal" | | NRN | no reply necessary | "no es necesario responder" | | NRN | not right now | "ahora mismo no" | | NSFW | not suitable for work | "no es adecuado para el trabajo" | | NTN | no thanks needed | "no necesita agradecer" | | NUNP | no users, no problems | "si no hay usuarios, no hay problemas" | | NVM | never mind | "no importa" | | NW | no way | "no lo creo!(sorpresa)" | | NXT | next | "siguiente/el que sigue" | | NYPA | not your personal army | "no es tu ejército personal" | | O2W | off to work | "salí de trabajar" | | OAO | over and out | "cambio y fuera" | | OBV | obviously | "obviamente" | | OBVS | obviously | "obviamente" | | ODTW | others do the work (cf. "otdw source") | "el trabajo lo hace otros" | | OFC | of course | "por supuesto" | | OH | other half | "otra mitad" | | OIC | oh, I see | "oh, ya veo" | | OMG | oh my God | "santo dios" | | OMW | on my way | "santo cielo" | | ONNA | oh no, not again | "Ay no, otra vez no!" | | ONNTA | oh no, not this again | "Ay no, no de nuevo!" | | OOB | out of bounds | "fuera de los límites" | | OOC | out of curiosity | "por curiosidad" | | OOI |out of interest | "por interés" | | OOSOOM | out of sight, out of mind | "fuera de vista" | | OPS | operator status | "status de operador" | | OPS | operators | "operadores" | | ORITE | oh, right | "oh, correcto" | | OT | off topic | "fuera de tema" | | OTL | out to lunch | "sali a comer" | | OTOH | on the other hand | "por otro lado" | | OTP | one true pairing | "una verdadera pareja" | | OTS | off the shelf | "de vidriera" | | OTT | over the top | "exagerado" | | OTTOMH | off the top of my head | "lo que se me ocurre en el momento" | | OWTTE | or words to that effect | "o palabras a tal efecto" | | PC | player character | "personaje del jugador" | | PC | politically correct | "políticamente correcto" | | PCB | polychlorinated biphenyl(s) | "plaqueta electrónica (bifenilo policlorinado)" | | PD | police department | "departamento de policía" | | PDA | public display of affection | "muestra pública de afecto" | | PDQ | pretty darn quick | "muy rápido" | | PDS | please don't shout | "por favor no grite" | | PEBCAK | problem exists between chair and keyboard | "el problema está entre la silla y el teclado" | | PEBKAC | problem exists between keyboard and chair | "el problema estpa entre el teclado y la silla" | | PFI | pay for inclusion | "pagar por inclusión" | | PFY | pimply faced youth | "imberbe (juventud llena de granos)" | | PHB | pointy haired boss | "jefe de pelo parado" | | PIN | personal identification number | "nro. de identificación personal" | | PITA | pain in the ass | "dolor de huevos" | | PITR | {parent,parents} in the room | "padres en la habitación" | | PKSP | pound keys and spew profanity | "golpear teclado y lanzar profanidades" | | PM | post meridiem | "después del mediodía" | | PMFI | problem magically fixed itself | "problema marginalmente resuelto" | | PMFJI | pardon me for jumping in | "perdón por saltar" | | PMSL | pissing myself laughing | "me meo de la risa" | | PNG | persona non grata | "persona no grata" | | PNP | plug and pray | "enchufar y rezar" | | POC | point of contact | "punto de contacto" | | POC | proof of concept | "prueba de concepto" | | POLA | principle of least astonishment | "principio de menor sorprendimiento" | | POLS | principle of least surprise | "principio de menor sorpresa" | | POS | point of sale | "punto de venta" | | POV | point of view | "punto de vista" | | PPL | people | "gente/pueblo" | | PPL | pretty please | "bastante por favor" | | PPP | petty pet peeve | "" | | PPS | pulse per second (signal) | "pulso por segundo (señal)" | | PR | public relations | "relaciones públicas" | | PSA |prostate-specific antigen | "antigen específico de próstata" | | PSA |public service announcement | "anuncio de servicio público" | | PTA | parent-teacher association | "asociación de padres-maestros" | | PTO | {paid,personal} time off | "vacaciones no pagas" | | PTO | parent-teacher organization | "organización de padres y maestros" | | PTO | please turn over | "por favor devuélva" | | PTO | power takeoff | "arrebato de energía" | | PTV | parental tunnel vision | "visión túnel parental" | | QED | quod erat demonstrandum | "" | | QFT | quoted for truth | "citado en verdad" | | RA | residential advisor | "consejero residencial" | | RFC | request for comments | "solicitud de comentarios" | | RFD | request for discussion | "solicitud de discusión" | | RFE | request for enhancements | "solicitud de mejoras" | | RIP | rest in peace | "descansa en paz" | | RL | real life | "en la vida real" | | RLC | rod length check | "revisión de palanca" | | RMS | Richard Matthew Stallman | [[Richard Stalmann]] | | ROFL | rolling on floor laughing | "Rodando de risa" | | ROFLMAO | rolling on floor laughing my ass off | "rodando cagándome de risa" | | ROI | return on investment | "retorno de inversión" | | ROTFL | rolling on the floor laughing | "rodando en el piso de risa" | | RP | responsible person | "persona responsable" | | RR | railroad | "ferrocarril" | | RSI | repetitive strain injury | "lesión por repetición" | | RSN | real soon now | "realmente pronto" | | RSVP | respondez s'il vous plait ("reply please") | "responda por favor" | | S/T | self titled | "autoproclamado" | | SAR | search and rescue | "b{usqueda y rescate" | | SAR | some assembly required | "requiere cierto montaje" | | SCNR | sorry, could not resist | "perdón, no lo pude resistir" | | SEP | someone else's problem | "el problema de otro" | | SERP | search engine results page | "ver página de resultados de motor de búsqueda" | | SFAICT | so far as I can tell | "por lo que puedo decir" | | SHID | slaps head in disgust | "palmea cara disgustado" | | SIMCA | sitting in my chair amused | "sentado en mi silla sorprendido" | | SITD | still in the dark | "sin saber aún" | | SMAP | Soil Moisture Active Passive | "" | | SMH | shaking my head | "sacudiendo mi cabeza" | | SMLSFB | so many losers, so few bullets | "tantos perdedores, tan pocas balas" | | SMOP | simple matter of programming | "simple cuestión de programación" | | SNERT | snot-nosed egotistical rude teenager | "adolescente rudo egoísta" | | SNMP | sorry, not my problem | "perdón, no es mi problema" | | SO | significant other | "otro significativo" | | SOB | son of [a] bitch | "hijo de puta" | | SOP | standard operating procedure | "procedimiento operativo estándar" | | SRS | serious | "serio" | | SRSLY | seriously | "¿en serio?" | | SSIA | subject says it all | "el sujeto lo dice todo" | | SSTO | single stage to orbit | "etapa única para orbitar" | | STW | search the web | "página web de búsqueda" | | SUS | stupid user syndrome | "síndromoe del usuario estúpido" | | SUX | sucks | "apesta" | | SUX2BU | sucks to be you | "apesta ser usted" | | SWAG | silly, wild-assed guess | "aproximación exagerada" | | SWAHBI | silly, wild-assed hare-brained idea | "aproximación exageradamente tonta" | | SWMBO | she who must be obeyed | "ella que debe ser obedecida" | | SYS | see you soon | "nos vemos pronto" | | TA | teaching assistant | "asistente de enseñanza" | | TANSTAAFL | there ain't no such thing as a free lunch | "no hay tal cosa como almuerzo gratis" | | TBA | to be announced | "a anunciarse" | | TBC | to be continued | "continuará" | | TBD |to be {decided,determined,done} | "a decidirse" | | TBH | to be honest | "para ser honesto" | | TBOMK | the best of my knowledge | "hasta donde yo sé" | | TCB | taking care of business | "encargándose del negocio" | | TCO | taken care of | "encargándose de" | | TCO | total cost of ownership | "costo total de posesión" | | TFOA | things falling off aircraft | "cosas cayendo del avión" | | TFW | that feeling when | "ese sentimiento de" | | TGIF | thank goodness it's Friday | "gracias a dios es viernes" | | THNX | thanks | "gracias" | | THX | thanks | "gracias" | | TIA | thanks in advance | "gracias por adelantado" | | TIAVP | this is a volunteer project | "este es un proyecto voluntario" | | TIC | tonque in cheek | "broma" | | TIL | today I learned | "hoy aprendí" | | TINC | there is no cabal | "no hay cabal" | | TINLA | this is not legal advice | "no es un consejo legal" | | TINWIS | this is not what I said | "no es lo que dije" | | TJM | that's just me | "sólo soy yo" | | TLA | three letter acronym | "sigla de tres letras" | | TLA | true love always | "siempre con amor" | | TLC | tender loving care | "tierno amor" | | TLDR | too long, didn't read | "muy largo, no lo leí" | | TM | trademark | "marca registrada" | | TM | trust me | "confía en mí" | | TMA | too many abbreviations | "demasiadas abreviaturas" | | TMG | too much government | "demasiado gobierno" | | TMI | too much information | "demasiada información" | | TMJ | temporomandibular joint | "unión temporomandibular" | | TMK | to my knowledge | "por lo que sé" | | TMTOWTDI | there's more than one way to do it | "hay mas de una manera de hacerlo" | | TNF | The NetBSD Foundation | "la fundación NetBSD" | | TOC | table of contents | "índice, tabla de contenidos" | | TOCTOU | time of check to time of use | "tiempo de revisar el tiempo de uso" | | TOEFL | test of english as a foreign language | "prueba de inglés como idioma extranjero" | | TOH | to other half | "la otra mitad" | | TP | toilet paper | "papel higiénico" | | TPTB | the powers that be | "los poderes fácticos" | | TRT | the right thing | "lo correcto" | | TTBOMK | to the best of my knowledge | "según lo que se" | | TTFN | ta ta for now | "está hecho por ahora" | | TTM | to the moderator | "al moderador" | | TTT | thought that too | "también lo pensé" | | TTYL | talk to you later | "te hablo mas tarde" | | TTYS | talk to you soon | "te hablo pronto" | | TWAIN | thing without an interesting name | "cosa sin nombre interesante" | | TWDT | the whole damn thing | "la porquería completa" | | TWIAVBP | the world is a very big place | "el mundo es un lugar muy grande" | | TY | thank you | "gracias" | | TYVM | thank you very much | "muchísimas gracias" | | U/L | upload | "cargar/subir" | | UGT | universal greeting time | "hora de saludo universal" | | UR | your | "su/suyo" | | UR | {you're, you are} | "usted es/está" | | UTSL | use the source, Luke | "Usa el código fuente, Luke" | | VCR | video cassette recorder | "videocasettera" | | VEG | very evil grin | "sonrisa muy maléfica" | | VIP | very important person | "personalidad importante" | | W/ | with | "con" | | W/E | whatever | "como sea" | | W/O | without | "sin" | | W8 | wait | "espera" | | WAFWOT | what a foolish waste of time | "qué pérdida de tiempo" | | WAG | wild-ass guess | "aproximación exagerada" | | WB | welcome back | "buenvenido de nuevo" | | WCPGW | what could possibly go wrong | "qué podría salir mal" | | WDYMBT | what do you mean by that | "qué quiere decir con eso" | | WELC | working effectively with legacy code | "trabajando efectivamente con código legado" | | WFH | working from home | "volviendo caminando de casa" | | WFM | works for me | "a mi me funciona" | | WIBNI | wouldn't it be nice if | "¿no sería bueno?" | | WIP | work in progress | "trabajo en progreso" | | WMNC | watch me not care | "mirame mientras no me importa" | | WOMBAT | waste of money, brain, and time | "desperdicio de dinero, mente y tiempo" | | WRT | with respect to | "en lo que respecta a" | | WTB | {waiting,want,willing} to buy | "queriendo/esperando/deseando comprar" | | WTF | where's the food | "donde está la comida" | | WTG | way to go | "así se hace" | | WTH | {what,when,where,who,why} the hell | "que carajos" | | WTS | {waiting,want,willing} to sell | "queriendo/esperando/deseando vender" | | WTT | {waiting,want,willing} to trade | "queriendo/esperando/deseando intercambiar" | | WWJD | what would Jesus do? | "¿Qué haría Jesús?" | | YAGNI | you ain't gonna need it | "no vas a necesitarlo" | | YALIMO | you are lame, in my opinion | "en mi opinión eres tonto" | | YAOTM | yet another off-topic message | "otro mensaje fuera de tema" | | YCTAT | you can't troll a troll | "no puedes trolear a un troll" | | YGM | you got mail | "tienes mail" | | YHBT | you have been trolled | "ha sido trolleado" | | YHL | you have lost | "perdiste" | | YKWIM | you know what I mean | "ves lo que digo" | | YMMV | your mileage may vary | "en tu caso puede variar" | | YOLO | you only live once | "sólo se vive una vez" | | YW | you're welcome | "eres bienvenid@" | | YWSYLS | you win some, you lose some | "a veces se gana, a veces se pierde" | | ZIP | zoning improvement plan | "plan de mejora de zona" |